12th Nordic Workshop on Multi-Core Computing (MCC2019)

Karlskrona, Sweden, November 27, 2019

Program Committee

Angelos Arelakis, Zeropoint

Jakob Engblom, Intel

Håkan Grahn, BTH (chair)

Troels Henriksen, U. Copenhagen

Magnus Jahre, NTNU

Jörn Janneck, LU

Sven Karlsson, Ericsson

Christoph Kessler, LiU

Krzysztof Kuchcinski, LU

Johan Lilius, Åbo U.

Björn Lisper, MdH

Lars Lundberg, BTH

Helmut Neukirchen, U. Iceland

Tomas Nordström, UmU

Miquel Pericàs, Chalmers

Christian Schulte, KTH

Magnus Själander, NTNU

Zain Ul-Abdin, Halmstad U.

Anders Åhlander, SAAB

Important dates

Oct. 6: Submission deadline

Nov. 1: Author notification (updated)

Nov. 22: Registration deadline

Nov. 27: MCC Workshop


Håkan Grahn, BTH


The workshop will be held at Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH), Karlskrona, Sweden.

Building J, room J1610.

Previous editions of MCC.


2019-12-03: Slides for most of the presentations are published at Advance program

2019-11-25: Location: Karlskrona Campus, Building J, room J1610. Map of campus

2019-11-06: Advance program published: Advance program

2019-11-04: Registration is now open (deadline Nov. 22): Registration page

2019-11-01: List of accepted papers is published: papers

2019-10-22: ZeroPoint Technologies and Ericsson Research confirmed industrial speakers.

2019-10-15: After discussions in the PC, we decided to run the workshop as a 1-day event this year, on November the 27th. This year's workshop will include an industrial session and a tutorial on SkePU.


The objective of MCC is to bring together Nordic researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to present and discuss recent work in the area of multi-core computing. This year's edition is hosted by Blekinge Institute of Technology in Karlskrona, Sweden.


The scope of the workshop is both hardware and software aspects of multi-core computing, including design and development as well as practical usage of systems. The topics of interest include, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Architecture of multi-core processors, GPUs, accelerators, heterogeneous systems, memory systems, interconnects and on-chip networks
  • Parallel programming models, languages, environments
  • Parallel algorithms and applications
  • Compiler optimizations and techniques for multi-core systems
  • Hardware/software design trade-offs in multi-core systems
  • Operating system, middleware, and run-time system support for multi-core systems
  • Correctness and performance analysis of parallel hardware and software
  • Tools and methods for development and evaluation of multi-core systems

Submission Info

There are two types of papers eligible for submission. The first type is original research work and the second type is work already published in 2018 or later.

Participants submitting original work are asked to send an electronic version of the paper that does not exceed four pages using the ACM proceedings format, http://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template, to https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=mcc20190.

The same URL is to be used should you want to present an already published paper as described above. In that case, you need to clearly specify that the paper is already published and where the paper has been published.


No proceedings will be distributed. Contributions will not disqualify subsequent publication in conferences or journals.