Keynote Speakers

16th Maastricht Behavioral and Experimental Economics Symposium (M-BEES, June 17, 2024):

Sigrid Suetens (Tilburg University)

Roberto Weber (University of Zurich)


9th Maastricht Behavioral Economic Policy Symposium (M-BEPS, June 18, 2024):

Michèle Belot (Cornell University)

Nida Broughton (Director of Economic Policy at the Behavioural Insights Team)

The Department of Microeconomics and Public Economics of Maastricht University hosts the 16th Maastricht Behavioral and Experimental Economics Symposium (M-BEES) on June 17, 2024 and the 9th Maastricht Behavioral Economic Policy Symposium (M-BEPS) on June 18, 2024.

The broad topic of M-BEES is Theory and Experiments. M-BEES centers on whether and how economic experiments can inform economic theory and vice versa.

M-BEPS brings together researchers, policy makers and practitioners interested in how behavioral economics can inform policies in government and business. M-BEPS aims to encourage the discussion of relevant policy topics and the exchange of ideas and experiences among policy makers, international researchers, and practitioners.

Thank you for your submissions. The notification about the outcome of the selection process can be expected by mid-April 2024.