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This is about Space Geodesy.

I am always on the way to find and understand mm-to-meter level earthquake cycle deformation using space geodetic techniques.

My friends and I stand together for truth, science and love.

Contact me:    zhangfeng.ma@ntu.edu.sg


Research Highlights:

Slow Rupture in a Fluid-rich Fault Zone Initiated the 2024 Mw 7.5 Noto Earthquake


3D coseismic deformation and PGA

Slip model, stress drop and collocation with two fluid-rich zone inferred from two  high Vp/Vs ratio anomalies

High freaquency radiators overlapped with eartquake swarms in the surprisingly slow inital rupture (snapshots)

Conceptional Model

Unwrapping Error and Fading Signal Correction on Multi-looked InSAR Data

Submitted to Remote Sensing of Environment

Fading signal can be estimated by stacking triplet phase closure. The estimated fading signal can help to improve the performance of unwrapping error correction.

After fading signal correction, triplet phase closure can be more concentrated on unwrapping error (integer cycles of 2-pi).

Unwrapping error and fading signal correction can help to reduce the uncertainty of InSAR results.

Unwrapping error and fading signal correction can help to reduce the uncertainty of InSAR velocity.

Unwrapping error and fading signal correction can help to unique InSAR result what if different interferograms are used.

Fading signal in wet season is more stronger than that in dry season. This discrepancy can even lead fake seasonal displacements into InSAR time series.

Our estimated fading signal can be directly used for soil moisture estimation and may benefit landuse mapping.

Space Geodetic Insights to the Stress Rotation after the February 2023 Turkey-Syria Earthquake Doublet

Submitted to Geophysical Research Letters

Classified Focal Mechanisms Before and After Earthquake Doublet

3D Deformation Maps defrived from Space Geodetic Data

Slip Distribution and Stress Field

Stress Rotation and Extensional Horsetail Splay Fault

A New Spatiotemporal InSAR Tropospheric Noise Filtering: An Interseismic Case Study Over Central San Andreas Fault

IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing

Arc Graph Model Posterior Variances & Arc Model Type Automatically selected by F-Test

InSAR Displacement after Correction & Comparisons to GPS Stations

Challenges and Prospects to Time Series BOI (Burst Overlap Interferometry): Some Insights from a New BOI Algorithm Test over the Chaman Fault 

IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing

New Time Series BOI Workflow

BOI Interferogram Optimization

New Misregistration Estimation Method Which Considers Block Motion

BOI Velocity and Slip Rates Derived Using New Method

A Pseudo-SBAS Method to Invert 2D Deformations of the 2021 Central Greece Earthquake Sequence using Multi-track and Multi-temporal Sentinel-1 SAR Data 

Submitted to Journal of Geodesy

Decomposed 2D deformation maps for three sequent earthquakes

Cascading triggering mechanisms for three earthquakes 

Validation using Burst Overlap Interferometry (BOI)

Exploration on dipping direction of the fault geometry of Mar 4 earthquake using 2D deformations and 1D interferogram

Towards Big SAR Data Era: An Efficient Sentinel-1 Near-Real-Time InSAR Processing Workflow with an Emphasis on Co-registration and Phase Unwrapping


Sequential Sentinel-1 TOPS Data Time Series Coresgistration


Sentinel-1 TOPS Interferometric Processing

InSAR 3D Phase Unwrapping

Time Series Phase Unwrapping Based on Graph Theory and Compressed Sensing


 If you would like to obtain a code copy or are interested in collaborative researches, please contact the author at the following E-mail addresses: jspcmazhangfeng@hhu.edu.cn   

Go Extra Miles: An Additional Error Correction Procedure Aimed to Further Improve Phase Unwrapping Accuracy and Creep Model Uncertainty

JGR-SE 2021

InSAR Unwrapping Error Correction and Creep Model Uncertainty Improvement

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