May Sela
May Sela
PhD Candidate, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
PhD Candidate, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Mail: may dot sela at mail dot huji dot ac dot il
I am a PhD Student at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, under the supervision of Prof. Jake Solomon.
My mathematical interests lie in symplectic geometry and differential geometry, with a particular focus on Gromov-Witten theory and mirror symmetry.
Numerical invariants of normed matrix factorizations (with J. Solomon), arXiv:2412.04437.
Relative quantum cohomology of the Chiang Lagrangian (with A. Hollands, E. Kosloff, Q. Shu, J. Solomon), to appear in Forum Math. Sigma, arXiv:2305.03016.
At the Crossroads of Topology and Enumerative Geometry, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, June 2023.
Topology and Geometry seminar, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, May 2023.