The highest corona is identified within 54 days

Today is one year of coronavirus infection in the country. The number of identified patients has started increasing again in the last few days. The highest number of corona cases in the last 54 days has been identified in the last 24 hours (8am on Sunday to 8am on Monday). At that time, 645 people were identified as Corona. Another 14 people died at the same time due to corona.

This has been informed in the regular press release of the health department on Monday. So far, a total of 5 lakh 51 thousand 185 people have been diagnosed with corona infection in the country. 6,046 people have died. And a total of 5 lakh 4 thousand 120 people have recovered. Earlier, on January 13, more than 690 corona were identified. Max Sports News

In late 2019, the first coronavirus infection was detected in Wuhan, China. On March 7 last year, the first corona patient identification was announced in the country. The first corona-infected person in the country was declared dead on March 17.

In the last 24 hours, samples of 16 thousand 958 people have been tested. Considering the sample test, the patient identification rate is 4.96 percent. The previous day it was 4.30 percent.

The rate of patient identification was low at the beginning of the infection in the country. The infection started to increase from the middle of last May. From the last week of May to the third week of August, the patient identification rate was over 20 percent. From then on, the rate of identification of new patients also started to decrease. After a couple of months of declining infections, the upward trend in new patient and identification rates started from the beginning of last November. From December the infection began to decrease again. However, after three weeks, the infection is on the rise again.

The vaccination program was inaugurated on January 26 to control the corona epidemic. On the same day, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina inaugurated the Virtual Immunization Program from Ganobhaban. The mass vaccination program started from February 8 in the country. Max Sports News