Prof. Jinkyun Cho


Hanbat National University


Department of Building and Plant Engineering

교수(교무부처장) Associate Professor

34158 대전광역시 유성구 동서대로 125 N13동 302호

Tel: +82 (0)42 821 1183                  

Fax: +82 (0)42 821 1175



공과대학 설비공학과

Prof. Jinkyun Cho is an experienced building scientist specializing in the design, construction, operation, and evaluation of buildings. Currently serving as an associate professor at the Department of Building and Plant Engineering at Hanbat National University in Korea, he holds BEng, MEng, and Ph.D. degrees from Yonsei University in Seoul, Korea.

Prior to his current position, he worked as a mechanical engineer and design consultant for complex buildings, including data centers, high-rise buildings, healthcare facilities, and laboratories, at HIMEC, a leading MEP engineering firm in Korea, from 2001 to 2010. He also held roles as a principal research engineer at SAMSUNG C&T Construction Engineering Group from 2010 to 2016, and at Korea Conformity Laboratories from 2017 to 2019. In these roles, he focused on providing construction engineering, testing, assessment, and certification solutions for HVAC&R products and green industries. He actively participated in R&D projects, promoted technological innovation, and facilitated global exports through Center for Climatic Environment Real-scale Testing.

With over 20 years of engineering experience and his Ph.D. studies, Cho has developed extensive expertise in environmental and HVAC&R system design for buildings. His Ph.D. research played a critical role in advancing the understanding of HVAC&R systems, energy efficiency, and environmental performance in data centers. His research combined his own data center design projects, field measurements, and statistical simulations. Cho has published numerous academic papers in major international journals, establishing himself as a distinguished academic in the field of data center cooling energy performance and air management. His publications have garnered international recognition, solidifying his reputation as a top researcher in the field.


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데이터센터 인사이드아웃 (ISBN 979-11-5692-643-6 93560) Link