On this page, you'll find documents and some information about my master's thesis.

It was done in 2020 (essentially from February to June, though I had started discussing with my advisor about related topics earlier), my advisor was Geoffroy Horel. The jury for my defense was made up of : Geoffroy, Christian Ausoni and Thomas Nikolaus.

The topic was the comparison between topological Hochschild homology and MacLane homology, the goal was to somehow revisit this comparison and reformulate it in more modern terms.

The main text (in French) can be found here, an English summary (that I wrote in particular for Thomas, who's German) here , and the slides for my defense here (the last two are in English for the same reason)

The slides and the summary probably won't change over time, but the main text will be subject to a few modifications (should it only be because of typos) - so if you have any modification suggestions, don't hesitate to mention them to me.

Here are slides for a talk I gave at the GROOT summer seminar about the same topic. The slides are essentially the same as the ones for my defense, maybe with a bit more background.

Here's the video of my talk for GROOT :

With Geoffroy we extracted a paper from this thesis: see my publications and preprints