Seminar Goodwillie Calculus

In the fall semester of 2022, Gijs Heuts and I will be running a seminar on Goodwillie calculus. In the first part of the seminar, we will closely follow Goodwillie's foundational paper "Calculus III". After that, the topic will be the recent work of Anel, Biedermann, Finster, and Joyal on Goodwillie calculus in ∞-toposes. For a more detailed overview of the contents of the seminar, see this.

We will be meeting on Wednesdays, 15:00-16:00. The room is HFG610.


Oct 11. Gijs Heuts: Introduction and overview.

Oct 18. Max Blans: Excisive approximations.

Oct 25. Miguel Barata: The Taylor tower and first examples.

Nov 1. Niall Taggart: Delooping homogeneous functors.

Nov 8. Sven van Nigtevecht: The classification of homogeneous functors.

Nov 15. Jaco Ruit: Derivatives.

Nov 22. Gregory Arone: The derivatives of the identity functor.

Nov 29. Marco Nervo: More examples.

Dec 6. Max Blans: ∞-toposes I.

Dec 13. Lenny Taelman: ∞-toposes II.

Christmas break

Jan 18. Sven van Nigtevecht: ∞-toposes III: obstruction theory.

Jan 25. Guy Boyde: Blakers-Massey I.

Feb 1. Miguel Barata: Blakers-Massey II.

Feb 8. Jaco Ruit: Blakers-Massey III.

Feb 15. Gijs Heuts: Blakers-Massey for P_n-equivalences I.

Feb 22. Max Blans: Blakers-Massey for P_n-equivalences II.
