Homological algebra and sheaves

You find the first half of this course here.

Lecture 1 : Presentable categories


Some incomplete notes.

A set of exercises.

Lecture 2 : Abelian categories


Some incomplete notes.

Lecture 3 : Grothendieck abelian categories


Some incomplete notes.

Lecture 4 : Resolutions in Grothendieck abelian categories


Some incomplete notes.

A set of exercises.

Lecture 5 : Derived functors


Some incomplete notes.

Lecture 6 : Sheaf cohomology I


Warning. Notice however that I didn't follow any of the above references, and that the order the material is treated can change dramatically from one presentation to the other. For instance, Schapira's notes treat first derived categories, and then sheaf cohomology, while in this course I decided to do the opposite. This means that he is allowed to use some machinery that we still didn't develop at this point of the course. Nevertheless, they are excellent notes, and I encourage all of you to go through them.

Some incomplete notes.

Lecture 7 : Sheaf cohomology II


Same as for the previous lecture, with the same warning.

For Mayer Vietoris, see Stacks Project, Tag O1E9.

Some incomplete notes.

Lecture 8 : Sheaf cohomology III


Same as for the previous lectures, with the same warning.

For the excision and the de Rham cohomology of the complex space, see also §6.2 in these notes by Arapura.

For the cellular decomposition of the complex projective space, see for instance

Some incomplete notes.

Lecture 9 : Cousin's problems on complex manifolds


Some incomplete notes.