I have worked as a Software/Data Engineer in the SF Bay Area at a few companies including AWS in Palo Alto on AWS-Glue .
I am excited by technology that changes the way we can solve problems.
At UC Davis with John Owens and the Gunrock Graph GPU Lab
Some pre-prints in reverse chronological order I have been involved with:
Constructions, bounds, and algorithms for peaceable queens [appeared at ALENEX 25 ](With Katie Clinch, Tony Huynh, Abdallah Saffidine)
Two Approaches to Approximation Algorithms for Vertex Deletion Problems [Dissertation]
A simple (2+ε)-approximation algorithm for Split Vertex Deletion, EJC version [Appeared at EuroComb21, European Journal of Combinatorics ] (With Samuel Fiorini and Tony Huynh)
A simple 7/3-approximation algorithm for feedback vertex set in tournaments [Discrete Applied Mathematics](With Manuel Aprile, Samuel Fiorini and Tony Huynh)
A Tight Approximation Algorithm for the Cluster
Vertex Deletion Problem [Appeared at IPCO 2021](With Manuel Aprile, Samuel Fiorini and Tony Huynh)Short rainbow cycles in graphs and matroids [in JGT]
(With Matt DeVos, Daryl Funk, Sebastián González Hermosillo de la Maza, Krystal Guo, Tony Huynh, Bojan Mohar and Amanda Montejano)The Adaptive Sampling Revisited. [in DMTCS]
(With Guy Louchard and Yvik Swan)An Approximation Algorithm for the Max Leaf Spanning Arborescence Problem[in TALG]
(With Adrian Vetta)
I am an avid tennis player. Always looking for a hit!
I love chess, but I dont take it very seriously. I play on liChess.
PhD with Samuel Fiorini at ULB .
MSc with Adrian Vetta at McGill.