Matteo Quattropani


I'm a PostDoc at Sapienza Università di Roma, working on the project Phase transitions in Random Loop models (P.I. Lorenzo Taggi).

My interests lie at the interface between probability, statistical physics and game theory. 

My research mostly focuses on stochastic processes and algorithms on networks: random walks on random graphs (mixing, hitting and cover times), exchange/redistribution models, opinion dynamics, network games.

I am also interested in probabilistic models inspired by statistical physics, such as random forests and random loop soups.

Short CV

Postdoc (IT: Assegnista) at Department of Mathematics (Sapienza) 

Host: Lorenzo Taggi

Project: Phase transitions in Random Loop models

Postdoc at Mathematical Institute (Leiden University)

Host: Luca Avena


Postdoc (IT: Assegnista) at Department of Economics and Finance (Luiss)

Host: Marco Scarsini

Project: Markov chains and games on networks

PhD student at Department of Mathematics and Physics (Roma Tre)

Advisor: Pietro Caputo

Title of the thesis: Mixing and cover time on sparse random digraphs

MSc in Applied Mathematics at Mathematical Institute (Leiden University)

Supervisors: Luca Avena and Diego Garlaschelli

Title of the thesis: Spectral techniques of community detection