What I've found so far is that one just can send an AT commands directly from terminal to special ports like /dev/ttyUSB0 if modem is connected via USB port or /dev/rfcomm0 if connection is handled via bluetooth.My problem is that when I try to issue a command I get a "permission denied" response:

I am trying to make an automatic answering and calling machine in python and linux, but so far I was able to only call a number. When it comes to sending sounds or recording them I had no success.I have been struggling with this problem for the past week and so far could not find a way to solve it.

Send Sms Using Gsm Modem

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Most modems support AT commands which control the modem and query for information. On a Chromium OS device with the developer mode enabled, you can use the socat command to communicate with the modem. You need a Chromium OS device with a test image installed (or you can use gmerge socat if you are familiar with the dev server) . For example:

I have a zte 3g modem. I use carrier provided dialer for connection establishment. Once the ppp connection is active, i would like to send some AT commands(for ex. Query signal strength, AT+CSQ). But the dialer i use locks the /dev/ttyUSB0 port, which is the command port to send AT commands for my modem. So is there any way, to send the commands, once the connection is active?

As long as the device is used for ppp traffic, it is not possible to run AT commands at the same time1.For this reason all modern modems will provide more than one serial interfaces, e.g. /dev/ttyUSB0 and /dev/ttyUSB1 (or /dev/ttyACM0 and /dev/ttyACM1 for USB CDC modems on linux).

1 In theory it might be possible for the modem to support +++ escaping which would then allow you to run AT commands while the connection was ongoing, although then you would have to in some way modify the dialer program to inject those and extract the response...

About 8 years ago I remember I made a small PLC program using Micrologix 1400 with a Teltonika router, pushing ASCII strings over serial to provide AT commands, just to prove the AB rep I do not need their fancy, expensive and clunky modem. Never used it though. Anyway if it is doable with a MLX1400 with Ignition I think must be easier.

If in two weeks you are in same spot I will try to take a look to the serial module.

I've got an interesting one for you. I've been going over my server monitoring and notification systems (Nagios based), and realized that if our internet connection goes down, there's no way for it to notify me. I already have a modem listening (Via CentOS 5) on a spare POTS line so that I can dial-in in case our internet goes down. I was wondering if I could come up with a script (Shell, Python, etc) that can dial out and play a recorded message (wave file I'm guessing) when it's picked up. I know Windows supports voice calls over a voice modem, I was wondering if a solution existed for Linux...

I know asterisk can probably do it, but isn't that overkill (A full blown VOIP system just for a notification mechanism that will hopefully never be used)? And wouldn't it interfere with the modem's primary function as a backup network interface (PPP spawned via mgetty)?

I've done some searching, and haven't really come up with much. I know how to dial out from the command line, but only as a modem (not as voice). Worst case, I could set it up to dial out as a modem, and then just realize that if I get a call with modem sounds from that number that it's the notification... Any insight would be appreciated...

I wish I had an answer for your modem audio playback question. I want to say it should be simple but my knowledge of that stuff is getting rusty. There used to be Voice Modems sold specifically for playback of audio.

I used a Huawei modem (USB dongle) as an SMS center on my raspberry pi with a free SIM from a CSP, so that I can text it and it responds with basic info about the system. I'd guess it could easily be modified to send an SMS in response to Nagios detecting internet failure!

In the interests of preventing link-rot, the gist is to use the serial library in python (import serial) and send regular modem AT commands to the modem. Put the modem in text mode and then send a test message using the following strings:

It does not require vgetty to be running, only installed and configured correctly for your modem. The phone number can be a local number (555-1212) or full number (1-942-555-1212) but without any hyphens (-). message.rmd must be in a format your modem understands - or be prepared for an earful of hiss and pop.

I have to send a message from the server to a computer.....but the problem is that he receives messages from other computers but not send them. I tried to use programs and single commands but still not work.

Have a CM1200 cable modem hooked to an Asus RT-N66R router. Have had this set up for some time. The other day the internet stopped working. Went through reseting both modem and router with no success. Called Comcast and they came out, replaced some outside wiring. They tested the speed from the back of the router and were getting the paid download speed. My connection was still not working and the tech told me that I probably needed a new router. The router, when powered on sends out a wireless signal and the lights read the connections in the ports. No internet is detected though on the router. Bought a new router Nighthawk AC2600, hoping this would solve the issue, but alas same issue. If I run a cat 6 directily from the modem to my desktop, it has internet. But if I run the same cable to either router, no internet. Again, I have reset and powered on and powered off the devices. I have tried numerous cat 6 cables, some older, some brand new, and none of these things have worked. I am at a standstill, please help?

I am writing client-server application.

The client sends some messages to the server by using different transports: SMS and Internet (VPN, TCP server).

On the client's PC I have 1 3G modem which I use for both: sending SMS and establishing Internet connection.

I connect to Internet via ubuntu's Network Manager.

For sending SMS I use smstools3. Actually it doesn't matter what tools I used.

I found that it had been impossible to send SMS if there had been active Internet connection established via the same modem.

I tried to connect to Internet without the Network Manager. I manually setup pppd (with no lock param) using the manual from -gsm-mobile-broadband-connections-without-network-manager-ubuntu-mint-debian/ . The connection worked fine, but it did not solve the problem.

Then I tried to use different modem's ttys for sending SMS and connecting to Internet (my modem has 2 ttys). It also did not help. Looks like only 1 tty of my modem can be used to do the job.

Huawei E800 couldn't be used. Instead, I used E369. That modem has 3 ports (3 ttyUSB in /dev/). If I use the 1st tty for the Internet and the second for sending/receiving SMS, then the problem disappears. Note that E800 also has 2 ttys, but it doesn't solve the problem.

I think I known how to figure out whether a modem can be used for simultaneous SMS and Internet. Need to send "AT+CMUX=0" to the modem. If it answers that the operation is not supported, then you have to try different modem.

Also I met 1 more problem on Ubuntu 13.04. If I used the ubuntu's NetworkManager to set up Internet connection, then it blocked my modem. So, the modem couldn't be used to send/recv SMS. I found the solution - didn't use NetworkManager. Instead, I set up Internet connection with wvdial. It solved the problem.

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I am quite a newbie to retrocomputing, and I don't know if such a question should be asked here. But I hope maybe some of you could help me.I started reflecting on ways to send data without the internet and came up with the vague idea of using older cellular networks to slowly transfer code from one computer to another. Would it be possible to plug a computer (any type) to an old 2G (GSM) cellphone and act as a modem to receive raw binary code from another computer with a real 2G modem?

Sure, as long as these phones have a build in 2G modem interface - usually provided via a serial line and behaving like a hayes modem. So check the specs. There were also separate 'air' modems, essentially a phone in a box doing the same - or even PCMCIA cards.

Not as old, and maybe more phun are GSM modem modules which are still available today. They are essentially a GSM phone on a single carrier board, meant to be integrated into custom PCBs. The stuff used in renal bikes and alike.

Yes. GSM has support for both circuit-switched data (CSD) and packet-switched data (GPRS). As late as the original iPhone, GPRS was the main standard for mobile data with smartphones and similar devices. GPRS service remains available from many carriers, and most modern cell modems will fall back to GPRS if UMTS/LTE is not available.

The GSM standard defined a digital cellular network. Therefore, it has always been capable of doing data communications, computer-to-computer, from the very beginning. Nowadays, most public networks support 4G/LTE, and smartphones are advanced enough to serve as Wi-Fi hotspots. In the 2G time frame, you could do a similar function by connecting a serial cable from your PC laptop to a connector on the phone, putting the phone into a modem "mode", and then connecting to a terminal server upstream. Most likely, you would use PPP to form the conduit for TCP/IP networking and this would allow your serial modem connection to get you onto the Internet. It was quite similar to "dial-up" networking, but substituted the GSM cellular network for the landline. [Personal note: I was part of an R&D team that took this to the next level by inventing "Bluetooth Dial-Up Networking" implementations that eliminated the wire.] be457b7860

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