Tables and Charts


  • Table
  • Pictograms
  • Line Chart
  • Bar Chart
  • Pie Chart


The following is the sales data of three Fruits in two months.

Sales of Apple - Jan – 21000, Feb – 32000.

Sales of Orange - Jan – 32000, Feb – 22000.

Sales of Mango - Jan – 42000, Feb – 35000.

The above data can be presented in an easily readable format as a Table


Each circle represents 10000 fruits

Apple - 20000

Orange - 40000

Grapes - 50000

Line Chart

This data is presented in a line chart to compare monthly sales of fruits.

Categories (months) are in the x-axis. Values (sales) are in the y-axis.

In both months, Grapes is the most popular fruit, because its line is above the other two lines.

Bar Chart

This data is presented in a bar chart to compare monthly sales of fruits.

Categories (fruits) are in the x-axis. Values (sales) are in the y-axis.

Bar width need to be equal.

Bar height indicates the value.

Pie Chart

A circular chart divided into sectors proportional to their values.

Calculate angle for each sector. Use compass and protractor to draw the pie chart.