
Polynomial Mathematics Seminar


Venue:  Ito Campus, Kyushu University
Organisers:Takuro Abe, Junyan Chu, Shizuo Kaji, Koji Nuida, Hiroyuki Ochiai

Next meeting


Speaker:Kaoru Yamamoto (Kyushu University)

Date.       : 6 Feb. 2025Thu)16:30 — 18:00

Venue      : W1-C715, Ito campus

Title:Bounded disturbance amplification in mass chains


This talk addresses the problem of control in systems comprising a chain of N identical masses connected through intermass displacement controllers, with an additional connection to a movable point. Motivated by applications such as the seismic design of multi-storey buildings and the control of vehicle platoons, the study examines scalar transfer functions that relate external disturbances to specific inter-mass displacements. By representing these transfer functions using complex iterative maps, we develop a powerful framework for analysing system behaviour. This approach identifies conditions under which the H-infinity-norm of the transfer functions remains bounded as N increases, providing valuable insights for designing scalable and robust interconnected systems.

Past meetings


Speaker:Sohei Tateno (Nagoya University)

Date.       : 2 October, 2024(Wed.)16:00 — 17:30 (Japanese time, and end time can be flexible)

Venue      : W1-C715, Ito campus

Title:Iwasawa theory for weighted graphs

Abstract:Iwasawa theory for graphs describes the asymptotic behavior of the numbers of the spanning trees in a compatible system of $\mathbb{Z}/p^n\mathbb{Z}$-covers of graphs, where $p$ is a fixed prime number. In this talk, we will generalize Iwasawa theory for graphs to that for weighted graphs, and this allows us to estimate the behavior of the weighted complexities instead of the numbers of spanning trees. Depending on how we set the weights on graphs, the information we can extract from weighted complexities changes. Our generalization contains theories on compatible systems of $(\mathbb{Z}/p^n\mathbb{Z})^d$-covers including Kida’s formula, which is the Iwasawa theoretical analogue of the Riemann—Hurwitz formula. We also provide several examples. We will start explaining historical backgrounds of Iwasawa theory and rudimentary theories of graphs without being overly pedantic. This is a joint work with Taiga Adachi and Kosuke Mizuno.


Speaker. :  Hisatoshi Kodani (Kyushu University)

Date.       : 25 January, 2024(Thur.)16:00 — 17:00 (Japanese time, and end time can be flexible)

Venue      : W1-C715, Ito campus

Title: Integral invariants for framed 3-manifolds associated to trivalent graphs possibly with self-loops

Abstract: Chern--Simons perturbation theory is one of the ways to extract topological invariants of 3-manifolds

from Chern--Simons gauge theory.

In the theory, topological invariants are given by integrations of differential forms associated with trivalent graphs.

After reviewing mainly Bott--Cattaneo and Cattaneo--Shimizu’s works which are variants of the theory,

I will explain our results which state that the latter invariants can be defined using only trivalent graphs without self-loops.

This talk is based on joint work with Bingxiao Liu. 


Speaker. :  Eric Rubiel Dolores Cuenca (Pusan National University)

Date.       : 21 December, 2023(Thur.)15:30 — 17:00 (Japanese time, and end time can be flexible)

Venue      : W1-C715, Ito campus & Zoom
Zoom ID : 829 6779 5975
Passcode : 1729

Title: Riffle shuffles between a series-parallel poset and a linear order.

Abstract: Let <n> be the linear order 1<2<...<n. The riffle shuffle of cards

defines a binary operation (<n>,<m>) -><n+m>.  In this talk we

describe three ways to extend the riffle shuffle of linear orders to a

shuffle on the pair (T,L) where T is a series parallel poset and L is

a linear order.

For a given series parallel poset, and any of these three shuffles,

there is a polynomial f_i, i=1,2,3,  such that f_i(n) is the number of

shuffles between the poset and <n>.  Using operad theory and sets with

negative number of elements we compute the generating functions of

f_1, f_2 and f_3, they are called shuffle series.

Our work introduces a new order series and our results are applied to

the study of the tensor product of operads of trees.


** 今回は講演者2名です **

Date        : 2023年11月28日(火)13:30 — 14:30, 15:00 — 16:00

Venue      : 伊都キャンパス W1-C715 セミナー室

Speaker. :  前原 将太 氏 (九州大学大学院マス・フォア・イノベーション連係学府)

Title: B_2型の二次元多重配置の指数,及び対数的ベクトル場のなす加群の基底について

Abstract: ベクトル空間中の超平面の有限個からなる集合を超平面配置と呼ぶが,さらに超平面配置の拡張として,多重配置という概念がある.多重配置に対して,超平面配置のときと同様にして対数的ベクトル場のなす加群という代数的な対象(次数付き加群)が考えられている.この加群が自由加群か否かによって自由性という性質が定義されており,特に,自由なときは斉次な基底が取れ,その次数の組という形で指数という概念がwell-definedに定義される.




Speaker. :  石橋 裕也 氏 (九州大学大学院数理学府)

Title: 自由配置のorthogonal dual

Abstract: 超平面配置とはベクトル空間中の超平面の有限集合である。私は超平面配置の代数的側面、特に対数的ベクトル場について研究している。対数的ベクトル場が自由加群となる時、その配置は自由配置と呼ばれる。

Joseph P.S. Kung氏、Hal Schenck氏により定義されたorthogonal dualは、本質的な超平面配置から新たに得られる配置である。自由配置のorthogonal dualの対数的ベクトル場の射影次元は高くなる傾向にあることが、両氏の論文の中で触れられている。

本講演では、超平面の枚数がある程度多い自由配置のorthogonal dualの対数的ベクトル場に関する結果を共有する。


Speaker. :  So Yamagata (Fukuoka University)

Date.       : 2 November, 2023(Thu.)16:00 — 17:00 (Japanese time, and end time can be flexible)

Venue      : W1-C715, Ito campus & Zoom
Zoom ID  : 853 8312 9993
Passcode: 1729

Title: A braid monodromy presentation for the pure braid group

Abstract: In 1891, Hurwitz introduced the (pure) braid group as the fundamental group of the configuration space of points in the complex plane. 

Later, in 1925, Artin studied its algebraic and geometric perspectives. In particular, he gave a presentation of the braid groups, which is now recognized as a standard one. 

He also studied the pure braid group and gave its presentation. However, it is much more complicated than the one of the braid group. 

Thus, there is nothing better than to have a simple to look and intuitive presentation of the pure braid group. 

In my talk, even though there's no new presentation, we connect two different approaches to the pure group: from group theory and from hyperplane arrangement.

Firstly, we introduce a "lexicographic section'' of the braid arrangement, and give a presentation of the fundamental group of its complement using the braid monodromy technique. 

Then, show that the resulting presentation coincides with the modified Artin presentation given by Margalit--McCammond. 

If I have time, I also generalize the construction to the Manin--Schechtman arrangement MS(n,k), a generalization of the braid arrangement. 

In particular, we give a presentation of π_1(C^5 \ MS(5,2)), which is the simplest and nontrivial example of the Manin--Schechtman arrangements.


Speaker. :  Benoît Guerville-Ballé

Date.       : 10 Octorber, 2023(Tue.)16:00 — 17:00 (Japanese time, and end time can be flexible)

Venue      : W1-C715, Ito campus & Zoom
Zoom ID  : 853 8312 9993
Passcode: 1729

Title:         Connectivity and combinatorial interplay in the moduli space of line arrangements 



The purpose of the talk is to explore the topology of the moduli space of line arrangement via a combinatorial approach. In the first part, we investigate combinatorial classes of arrangements whose moduli space is connected. We introduce the notion of arrangements with a rigid pencil form. It ensures the connectivity of the moduli space and is less restrictive that the class of C3 arrangements of simple type. In the last part, we obtain a combinatorial upper bound on the number of connected components of the moduli space.


Speaker:Junyan CHU (Kyushu University)

Date : 7 September, 2023(Thu)15:00~

Venue : W1-C715, Ito campus & Zoom (ID: 853 8312 9993, Pass: the "taxi number")

Title : Degrees of the logarithmic vector fields for close-to-free hyperplane arrangements (slides&codes)

Abstract: A hyperplane arrangement A is a finite set of linear hyperplanes in a vector space K^l, where K is a field. The graded module D(A) of the logarithmic vector fields consists of polynomial vector fields over K^l tangent to A.  An arrangement A is said to be free if D(A) is a free module. The degrees of a homogeneous basis of the free module D(A) are called the exponents of A. The famous factorization theorem asserts that the characteristic polynomial of the intersection lattice of a free arrangement A completely factors into linear polynomials over the integers, and the roots of the polynomial are the exponents of A.  This motivates us to study the degrees of minimal homogeneous generators of the module D(A) and their connections with combinatorics.

In the first part of the talk, we will discuss a complete classification of the free arrangements in the three-dimensional real vector space with exponents of the form (1,3,d) for some d≥3.

To analyze the relationship between algebraic and combinatorial structures, we often consider the interplay between adding and deleting hyperplanes in an arrangement. The arrangement in which one hyperplane is deleted from a free arrangement has been extensively studied by Takuro Abe. In the second part of the talk, we will turn our attention to the algebraic structure of a new class of hyperplane arrangements obtained by deleting two hyperplanes from a free arrangement. We compute the degrees of minimal homogeneous generators of D(A). In particular, the degrees are determined solely combinatorially for three-dimensional arrangements.

We present illustrative examples that show our result’s strength and provide insights into the relation between algebraic and combinatorial properties for close-to-free arrangements.


講演者:山口 徹 氏(九州大学)

日時     :2022年12月2日(金曜日)14時半~15時半

場所     :D725セミナー室(対面)

タイトル:超平面配置のfree pathについて 




そこで本講演では、そうした研究の足がかりとなる、自由性を保つように複数枚の超平面を除去する道(free path)に関するLukas Kühne氏による予想を紹介し、それに証明を与えることとする。


講演者:橋本 晟弘 氏(九州大学)

日時     :2022年12月2日(金曜日)13時~14時

場所     :D725セミナー室(対面)







講演者:森山 哲裕 氏(九州大学)

日時     :2020年9月11日(金曜日)10時半~12時

場所     :オンライン開催(zoom利用)



画像データなどの空間データの特徴量の抽出手法や特徴の強調に関する研究は従来からある。たとえば、画像の画素値を実数値関数とみなし、その2回微分を使ったラプラシアンを用いる手法がよく知られている。2回微分を使う他の方法として、ヘシアンの負(または正)の固有値の数(Hessian index)の分布を用いる方法も知られており、これはたとえば医用画像解析における動脈瘤の検出に有効である。しかしHessian indexからは、荒い数値(データ空間の次元以下の非負整数値)の分布しか得られないため、データの種類や解析の目的によっては十分な特性が得られない場合がある。ここでは、Hessian indexを連続化し精緻化するひとつの手法を提案する。



講演者:阿部 拓郎 氏(九州大学)

日時     :2020年2月10日(月曜日)10時~12時

場所     :九州大学伊都キャンパスウェスト一号館C716







講演者:縫田 光司 氏(東京大学)

日時     :2020年1月22日(水曜日)10時~11時半

場所     :九州大学伊都キャンパスウェスト一号館C716





講演者:巴山 竜来 氏(専修大学)

日時     :2020年1月8日(水曜日)10時~11時半

場所     :九州大学伊都キャンパスウェスト一号館C716





講演者:村井 聡 氏(早稲田大学)

日時     :2019年5月29日(水曜日)15時~16時半

場所     :九州大学伊都キャンパスウェスト一号館D725





講演者:長岡 高広氏(京都大学)

日時     :2019年5月14日(火曜日)13時半~16時

場所     :九州大学伊都キャンパスウェスト一号館D725


アブストラクト:強レフシェッツ性とはコンパクトKahler多様体のコホモロジー環が持つ代数的な性質を一般のArtin Gorenstein環に対して考えたものである. 近年, 組合せ論や可換環論の文脈で強レフシェッツ性の研究が盛んになっているが, その中で講演者は矢澤明喜子氏(信州大)との共同研究で有限グラフに付随する環を考え, それが次数1のところで強レフシェッツ性(より強くHodge--Riemann関係式)を持つことを示した.その証明の際に鍵となったのはその環が概均質ベクトル空間の相対不変式と関係するという観察に基づいていた. 本講演ではこの観察に基づき, 一般の概均質ベクトル空間の相対不変式について同様の議論, さらに次数1以上のところでの強レフシェッツ性との関係性について考えたい.