Servant lab

We investigate the neurocognitive mechanisms underlying the acts of decision-making, and their interactions with cognitive control and motor systems. Our methodological approach is resolutly integrative: we combine behavioral research, computational modeling, and electrophysiology (EEG, EMG) to test theories and generate new perspectives. Part of our research is dedicated to investigating decision-making mechanisms in developmental and clinical populations.



Datasets and experiment/model codes

Servant et al. (2021, JEP General):

Servant & Evans (2020, Psych & Aging):

Servant & Logan (2019, AP&P): 

Servant et al. (2015, J Neurosci): 

Servant et al. (2014, Cog Psychol): 

Awards, distinctions, and grants

2022    ERC starting grant "An integrated theory of deciding and acting"

2022    Junior member, Institut Universitaire de France (IUF)

2021    Fellow member of the Psychonomic society

2018    Bob Fox Award of Excellence in Post-Doctoral Research, Vanderbilt University

2015    Early  career  publication  award,  European  Society  for  Cognitive  Psychology

About me:

I was born and raised in Auvergne (France). After studying violin and music theory in Lyon's High School of Music, I completed a PhD in cognitive neuroscience at the University of Aix-Marseille (supervision: Boris Burle & Anna Montagnini) and post-doctoral studies at Vanderbilt University's department of psychological sciences (collaborators: Gordon Logan, Thomas Palmeri, Jeff Schall & Geoff Woodman). I am currently an associate professor of cognitive psychology at the University of Franche-Comté (France).