Math 313: Spring 2019

General Information

Math 313, Spring 2019, MWF 10-11AM, Room: AH303.

Professor: James Freitag

Office hours: TBA in 716 SEO


Our textbook is "Elementary analysis" by Ross, second edition. This is a popular textbook for analysis.


Math 313 is a core course of any undergraduate math major - it is a first course in analysis, which is the what we call the more theoretical parts of calculus. The emphasis of this course is on theory and proofs. Compared to the calculus sequence, you will do a many fewer problems in 313, but the problems will require you to think much more deeply.


There will be two midterms, a final, and homework each week. Homework will be posted through Blackboard. Attendance is mandatory, and participation (attendance required!) will be a portion of your grade:

Your grade = 10% participation + 20% homework + 20% midterm 1 + 20% midterm 2 + 30% final exam