Hey! I just started learning how to program with python and I am wondering what math is/could be needed for programming. I want to know this so that I can make sure I am good at math necessary before I get to a point where I need it and struggle because I don't know it and have never even taken calculus.

So this book will assemble a large list of applications of interesting math used in bona-fide production systems. I hope the title makes this goal abundantly obvious. It will serve the following purposes, beyond satiating my spite.

Math For Programmers Pdf Download

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Probability theory might be the most useful area for programmers, but it is also a blurry field, difficult to learn right. You might check this book for details, and there is also an free, online draft version available.

The Logic of Science

I think Knuth's "Concrete Mathematics" contains most of the math we'd need as programmers, and is also the most enjoyable math book I've come across. Now if only I can get around to studying it ... :)

Vikas Gorur (vikas at 80x25 (dot) org)

How about showcasing books as you read them and posting your thoughts on them as you go through? Keep the comments open.

I desperately want to learn math--and I don't mean just memorizing shit and knowing how to substitute this number here or there to get it to work. I want true understanding. I'm interested in any sites, books, or articles out there that will get me there. Please keep your posts on math coming, but keep in mind that not all of us are as advanced!

I agree with most of the your view, but there are a few things I have quibbles with.

The counting part of probability theory that you are talking about is actually call combinatorics. That is a whole field of mathematics on counting. 

Your approach to math is certainly from a compsci point-of-view which heavily depends on the discrete side of things. Calculus..or more generally Mathetmatical Analysis deals more with the continous stuff and it is essential to science if not other engineering.

My way to math was thru number theory (long story). Not necessary any one subject that you learn in school, but it's mostly an exercise in looking for patterns in number.. Math to me is to recognize pattern in abstract space and it's a matter of strategies which help in solving problem and writing programs

I couldn't agree more. Please write a book. I was one of those CS majors who did enough to get by and now that i'm in the industry I'm actually really enjoying it and find myself reading up a lot of math/CS type of stuff. I think universities should tailor an applied-math-for software engineers type of class and teach it using the methods/content you suggest.

WOW.. i totally disagree with you.

It all depends on the type of programming you are doing. If you like to do encryption programming or game programming, you NEED math.. and lots of it. However, many algorithms already exist for the in-astute

The 'point' of all the Geometry proofs appears to be overlooked.

It isn't so much learning 1/2*base*height for a triangle's area. It is much more along the lines of demonstrating 'math is _deterministic_'. This is right in line with learning programming. If I _know_ A, what can I figure out from that? OK, now I _know_ B.

Geometry is just the most interesting place to learn proofs. Writing formal proofs of Trig, for instance - while _learning_ trig -> eeeewww.

This is the dumbest thing that I have read in a long time. This guy argues that he doesn't use several topics that are in the current curriculum, so therefore they shouldn't be there. He then argues for his own curriculum, which is meaningful only for computer programmers.

Here's a news flash guy: not everyone goes on to become a computer programmer. Personally, my training is as a physicist, and use almost none of the discrete mathematics nonsense that is on your curriculum. Instead, I use mathematics over the reals and complex numbers, those annoying trig formulas that get you down, and a host of calculus techniques that aren't even on your list.

Just because you don't use the math doesn't mean it's useless, and it sure as hell doesn't mean that the curriculum is designed wrong.

Take a look at Michael Mitzenmacher's "Probability and Computing". It covers randomized algorithms, Chernoff bounds, Shannon's Law, stationary ergodic processes, and all of the really interesting stuff from a computational perspective. It's challenging stuff, but it's a tremendously well written book.

*This* is the book I wish existed when I was learning how to program and how to analyze complexity. Everything I do nowadays is designed to drag NP-complete problems into the realm of the tractable, by any means possible. Having a firm grasp of the mathematics underlying both natural and computational processes is invaluable.

Somebody else already mentioned it, but Mathworld (mathworld.wolfram.com) and Wikipedia are both great for understanding and connecting mathematical formalisms with their related concepts.

I am an engineering, and i must say that even though i use, discrete math to model functions for digital logic, by far and wide i use trig and differential calculus much more, as modeling changing systems is much more important to me, also the trig identities i would stress are very important, how else would i be able to use fouriers series etc etc. 

I think if you did some programming especially in the areas of geomotry like a game engine you would probibly find yourself working with these functions alot more.

Very well put! I used to hate math, then I started playing with Flash and become interested in math as art, it really is beautiful. Also reading Bart Kosko's books were very intriguing, bridging, discussing philosophy and art...for the first time I finally understood some of it.

I wish they would have talked about some of this stuff when I was in high school, I would have paid much more attention. When you start understanding the history and the actual problems that are solved and more importantly what mathematics attempts to explain...oh my...I would have been a super geek in school.

I think you may have given youself a skewed picture of mathematics. You left out the two most active fields in modern mathematics, linear algebra and complex analysis. These, especially linear algebra, are vital to any programming beyond the utility level. Linear algebra is the language of 3d graphics, OpenGL is practically written as linear algebra functions. Linear algebra and complex analysis together are what allow for jpeg compression and mp3 compression, by way of their child, wavelet analysis. Also, probablility is not truly a part of discrete math. The introduction that ll of us get in our first class in stats is certainly, mostly, discrete. This is because until you have had the traditional calculus cycle (Calc 1: limits and derivative, calc 2: methods of integration, calc 3: multivariable, calc 4, intro to diff. eq.) or some variation, you won't have the tools to understand the continuous part. Integration is the continuous analog of summation. I like what you had to say, I think that math teaching is screwed up in America. I think that people do need to learn arithmetic first, simply because it is an easy place to start and is vital to get by in life. What comes next is tough.

I would put teaching/learning of prime-numbers up as one of the firstmost things to do. I'd like it to be taught before simplification of fractions, for example -- if you break the numerator and denominator into their prime factorization then simplifying the fraction becomes a trivial matter of removing what is in both numbers.

The point is to realize that the prime numbers are the atoms of integers. With this fundamental idea many areas of whole-number mathematics become transparent.

I'm in the same boat right now: going back through old college texts to brush up on my math, which has gotten very rusty.

I initially hit a wall in re-learning all this stuff, and now I see that it's because I'm trying to learn it the way it was originally taught to me in college.

Your way sounds much better (and a lot more fun).


the doubter: I think Wikipedia has vastly surpassed Mathworld in terms of usefulness and quantity of information.

I find myself (as a math PhD student) using Wikipedia far more than Mathworld these days.

Nice post.

I wanted to follow up on this though:

>> If you teach yourself math the right way, you'll learn faster, remember it longer

Okay, I have a six year old daughter just about to embark on the long trial of math education and wanted to ask if you could point me to any resources that you consider teach math more effectively. I agree with you regarding the formal curiculumn and I spent lots of time unlearning my math class material so if there's a better way I'm definitely game to try. At least to save my kids the same torture.


This is brilliant.

I live in Canada, and our math curriculum is screwed.

to begin with, i always think of myself as good at math. I have been doing a program called Kumon (it started in Japan, it sums up to being 25 minutes of math a day, everyday, 365 days a year) and i had a HUGE start on it. It is quite logically structured, and makes everything quite easy to learn.the only arguement i would make about it is that is disallows calculators, however i think that for basic arithmetic one should be able to do it mentally anyways. To make a long story short I can do linear algebra in my head while the teacher starts writing the first step on the board.

I did Kumon for 7 years. thats roughly 2500 days. I have worked as an instructor at it for the last 2 and a half year. 

today i dropped math C30 IB.

for those who dont know of the program, the International Baccalauriete is a worldwide andvanced program. dont do it. warn friends, kids, people on the street. DONT GO INTO IB. 

It is not worth it. I wont get into that here. 

what i want to get on is:

Trig. trigonometry is nuts. the way it is taught makes it violate all the other teachings up to this point. There is so much that would be more usefull. Someone needs to remake the curriculems. 17dc91bb1f

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