Impa Summer Course 2023 - Functional Analysis


The course will start on January 9th, and we will have a total of 17 classes of 2h. Students will receive homework and are expected to take exams. 

Classes: the lectures will be streamed via youtube on the IMPA channel and will be available online. A short description of each class along with the link for its youtube video will be made available on this page. 

Homework: there will be 5 sets of 10 problems, and each set will be available in this webpage in due time. The deadlines to submit solutions to each set will be posted here as well, and under normal circumstances no homework submitted after is due date will be accepted. Solutions to each set of problems will be provided only after their deadlines have passed.

Exams: There will be 4 written exams: 3 to be done in person at IMPA, and another set of problems to take home and return later. The first exam will cover the content of the first 4 lectures, the second exam will cover the content of the first 10 lectures and the third exam will cover material from the whole course. The fourth exam, will focus on the last 7 lectures. 

Grades: the final evaluation of each student will be based on grading of homework and the exams.  

– Each exam are worth 25% of the grade each.

– Homework (the 5 problem sets) is worth 25% of the grade.

– The smallest value between the 4 exams and homework will be discarded when calculating the grade.

Schedule: the calendar of the course is available in the form of a Google Agenda (the one above), and anyone can subscribe by clicking here. Classes will normally take place on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, and any changes will be posted in the calendar.


The main reference will be the first 6 chapters of Functional Analysis, Sobolev Spaces and Partial Differential Equations, by Haim Brezis, supplemented with lecture notes when needed  to cover any material not in Brezis's book. Many other books in functional analysis are available, and I particularly recommend:



Teaching assistant

The course will have the following teaching assistants:

Exercise classes: Every Wednesday on room 345, 15h-17h. 


Before you submit your solutions, please read the instructions below. You should follow them to make the life of the person grading your homework easier:

– On the column “Status”, you should fill “FS” if the the problem is fully solved, “PS” for a partially solved problem, and “NS” in case you do not submit a solution for a problem. 

– In case you claim to have a partial solution, comment what you have partially solved briefly.

– The .pdf version should consist of a single file containing the solutions and the table below. Merge your files in case you need. Here is a website you can use.

– Please, do not submit images (.jpg, .png etc). Convert your files to .pdf. Here is a website that does it. 

– The file of homework “X” should be named “your firstname_your surname_homework_X.pdf”. Example: A student named Fulano Pessoa should submit his homework 3 file with the name “fulano_pessoa_homework_3.pdf”.

Send your homework to with a copy to each teaching assistant. Use IMPA Functional Analysis 2023 - Homework "X" of "your name" as the subject of your email. 

Homework table: .tex or .pdf
