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In the match result above, 'see Chapter' is the whole match. 'Chapter' was captured by (chapter \d+(\.\d)*). '.1' was the last value captured by (\.\d). The index property (22) is the zero-based index of the whole match. The input property is the original string that was parsed.

In the match result above, 'see Chapter' is the whole match. 'Chapter' was captured by (chapter \\d+(\\.\\d)*). '.1' was the last value captured by (\\.\\d). The index property (22) is the zero-based index of the whole match. The input property is the original string that was parsed.

lookup_value Required. The value that you want to match in lookup_array. For example, when you look up someone's number in a telephone book, you are using the person's name as the lookup value, but the telephone number is the value you want.

The lookup_value argument can be a value (number, text, or logical value) or a cell reference to a number, text, or logical value.

match_type Optional. The number -1, 0, or 1. The match_type argument specifies how Excel matches lookup_value with values in lookup_array. The default value for this argument is 1.

The following table describes how the function finds values based on the setting of the match_type argument.

MATCH returns the position of the matched value within lookup_array, not the value itself. For example, MATCH("b",{"a","b","c"},0) returns 2, which is the relative position of "b" within the array {"a","b","c"}.

match is the implementation of the codesigning.guide concept. match creates all required certificates & provisioning profiles and stores them in a separate git repository, Google Cloud, or Amazon S3. Every team member with access to the selected storage can use those credentials for code signing. match also automatically repairs broken and expired credentials. It's the easiest way to share signing credentials across teams

First, enter the URL to your private (!) Git repo (You can create one for free on e.g. GitHub or BitBucket). The URL you enter can be either a https:// or a git URL. fastlane match init won't read or modify your certificates or profiles yet, and also won't validate your git URL.

If your machine is currently using SSH to authenticate with GitHub, you'll want to use a git URL, otherwise, you may see an authentication error when you attempt to use match. Alternatively, you can set a basic authorization for match:

Use one git branch per team. match also supports storing certificates of multiple teams in one repo, by using separate git branches. If you work in multiple teams, make sure to set the git_branch parameter to a unique value per team. From there, match will automatically create and use the specified branch for you.

This will create a new certificate and provisioning profile (if required) and store them in your selected storage.If you previously ran match with the configured storage it will automatically install the existing profiles from your storage.

When running match for the first time on a new machine, it will ask you for the passphrase for the Git repository. This is an additional layer of security: each of the files will be encrypted using openssl. Make sure to remember the password, as you'll need it when you run match on a different machine.

When running fastlane match init the first time, the setup process will give you the option to create your gc_keys.json file. This file contains the authentication credentials needed to access your Google Cloud storage bucket. Make sure to keep that file secret and never add it to version control. We recommend adding gc_keys.json to your .gitignore

By using the force_for_new_devices parameter, match will check if the (enabled) device count has changed since the last time you ran match, and automatically re-generate the provisioning profile if necessary. You can also use force: true to re-generate the provisioning profile on each run.

There is one tricky part of setting up a CI system to work with match, which is enabling the CI to access the repo. Usually you'd just add your CI's public ssh key as a deploy key to your match repo, but since your CI will already likely be using its public ssh key to access the codebase repo, you won't be able to do that.

Some repo hosts might allow you to use the same deploy key for different repos, but GitHub will not. If your host does, you don't need to worry about this, just add your CI's public ssh key as a deploy key for your match repo and scroll down to "Encryption password".

If you never really cared about code signing and have a messy Apple Developer account with a lot of invalid, expired or Xcode managed profiles/certificates, you can use the match nuke command to revoke your certificates and provisioning profiles. Don't worry, apps that are already available in the App Store / TestFlight will still work. Builds distributed via Ad Hoc or Enterprise will be disabled after nuking your account, so you'll have to re-upload a new build. After clearing your account you'll start from a clean state, and you can run match to generate your certificates and profiles again.

You'll be prompted for the certificate (.cer), the private key (.p12) and the provisioning profiles (.mobileprovision or .provisionprofile) paths. match will first validate the certificate (.cer) against the Developer Portal before importing the certificate, the private key and the provisioning profiles into the specified match repository.

However if there is no access to the developer portal but there are certificates, private keys and profiles provided, you can use the skip_certificate_matching option to tell match not to verify the certificates. Like this:

Actions can communicate with each other using a shared hash lane_context, that can be accessed in other actions, plugins or your lanes: lane_context[SharedValues:XYZ]. The match action generates the following Lane Variables:

This binder contains information and guidance that recipient and subrecipient staff may reference to ensure their full compliance with the statutory match requirements in the CoC Program Interim rule.

An optional #:when cond-expr specifies that the patternshould only match if cond-expr produces a true value.cond-expr is in the scope of all of the variables bound inpat. cond-expr must not mutate the object beingmatched before calling the failure procedure, otherwise the behaviorof matching is unpredictable. See also failure-cont, which isa lower-level mechanism achieving the same ends.

Examples:> (define (m x) (match x [(list a b c) #:do [(define sum (+ a b c))] #:when (> sum 6) (format "the sum, which is ~a, is greater than 6" sum)] [(list a b c) 'sum-is-not-greater-than-six]))> (m '(1 2 3))'sum-is-not-greater-than-six

An optional (=> id), which must appear immediately after pat,is bound to a failure procedure of zeroarguments.id is visible in all clause options and the clause body.If this procedure is invoked, it escapes back to thepattern matching expression, and resumes the matching process as ifthe pattern had failed to match. The bodys must not mutatethe object being matched before calling the failure procedure,otherwise the behavior of matching is unpredictable.

For spliced lists, ... and ___are aliases for zero or more matches. The..k and __kforms are also aliases, specifying k or morematches. Pattern variables that precede these splicingoperators are bound to lists of matching forms.

Note that the matching process may destructure the input multiple times, andmay evaluate expressions embedded in patterns such as (app expr pat) in arbitrary order, or multiple times. Therefore, suchexpressions must be safe to call multiple times, or in an order other than theyappear in the original program.

The first proc-expr sub-expression must evaluate to a transformer that produces a pat for match. Whenever id appears as the beginning of a pattern, this transformer is given, at expansion time, a syntax object corresponding to the entire pattern (including id). The pattern is replaced with the result of the transformer.

Match expanders are not invoked unless id appears in the firstposition in a sequence. Instead, identifiers bound by define-match-expanderare used as binding identifiers (like any other identifier) when they appearanywhere except the first position in a sequence.

Match expanders accept any syntax pair whose first element is anidentifier? bound to the expander. The following exampleshows a match expander which can be called with an improper syntaxlist of the form (expander a b . rest).(define-match-expander my-vector ( (stx) (syntax-case stx () [(_ pat ...) #'(vector pat ...)] [(_ pat ... . rest-pat) #'(app vector->list (list-rest pat ... rest-pat))])))

If the property value is a procedure of one argument, then theprocedure serves as the transformer for match expansion. If the property value is a procedure of twoarguments, then the first argument is the structure whose type hasprop:match-expander property, and the second argument is asyntax object as for a match expander..

A match is a tool for starting a fire. Typically, matches are made of small wooden sticks or stiff paper. One end is coated with a material that can be ignited by friction generated by striking the match against a suitable surface.[1] Wooden matches are packaged in matchboxes, and paper matches are partially cut into rows and stapled into matchbooks. The coated end of a match, known as the match "head", consists of a bead of active ingredients and binder, often colored for easier inspection. There are two main types of matches: safety matches, which can be struck only against a specially prepared surface, and strike-anywhere matches, for which any suitably frictional surface can be used. e24fc04721

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