Lower school played Mastermind in P.E.! The game is based off the board game in which students try to decode a pattern using logic. In this physical education version, the students run relay format to make their moves. At RPRY, lower school students have gym four days a week, and middle schools has gym everyday. The robust P.E program is run by two certified teachers, Brian McNamara Jr. and Michael Kyriacou. Throughout the year, they build units that develop gross and fine motor skills, as well athletic skills in various sports.

Students at Churchill now have the exciting opportunity to participate in GCSE PE (OCR exam board) starting in class 4. A GCSE in Physical Education equips students with the knowledge, understanding and skills to develop their own performance in sport. They will also develop their understanding of socio-cultural influences on participation in sport, and the benefits of physical activity to health, fitness and well-being supporting our curriculum intent to allow students to thrive and develop as healthy individuals.

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Research has shown that there is a link between acute bouts of physical activity and cognitive function. Therefore, teachers should begin each class by getting students up and moving. This might be a stretch, a brain break, or even some light marching or jogging. Research also shows that students who have acute bouts of physical activity showed positive changes in classroom behavior, concentration, and performance in solving math problems.

Teachers and schools find ways to limit academic screen time and increase physical activity engagement for students as a part of the regular school day, even in an online learning environment. Physical education (PE) teachers have gotten very good, very quickly at finding appropriate methods for engaging online students in a variety of physical activities. Some argue that it cannot be done; we disagree. Over the past 7 months, we have participated in high-quality online physical education lessons, webinars, workshops, and even conferences. Given the appropriate support and technology, physical education can take place online.

Quality physical education programs are key to student health and wellbeing, whether they are face-to-face or online. Physical education teachers are trained to teach students how to perform and understand basic motor skills, to participate in game play, to engage in lifelong physical activities, and to enhance their social and emotional wellbeing. Physical education teachers are responsible for addressing these skills on a continuum of ability levels for all students, as well as supporting and developing the social and personal skills related to participating in physical activities.

Physical education teachers must now become more creative and proactive in their lessons to help promote physical activity, teach skills, and encourage students to get 60 minutes of physical activity a day, but they must also be supported by their schools. A quick online search brings up a significant number of YouTube videos that PE teachers from across the nation have been creating so their students can practice and learn new skills at home. These include basic locomotor skills such as skipping and leaping, throwing, and catching skills, jump rope skills, sport specific skills and more.

We do not know how long we will be dealing with remote learning, and perhaps in some instances it will be here for good. Either way, it is important for schools to provide elementary PE teachers with the time and resources necessary to engage students in this critical aspect of school life. School administrators can support teachers by encouraging physical activity brain breaks in all subjects. Physical education teachers should follow a standards-based curriculum complete with assessments in the physical, cognitive, and affective domains.

The first time Morgan revealed his sport to the other Directors of Physical was at the YMCA located in Springfield, in 1896. He presented his new, creative idea to Dr. Luther Halsey Gulick (director of the professional physical education training school) and the rest of the YMCA Directors of Physical Education. Dr. Gulick was so impressed that he asked Morgan to present his sport at the school's new stadium.

The goal of general education classes in the Arts is to help students understand the rich history of the creative arts and to enable students to situate themselves within its traditions. Courses in the Arts category raise important questions about creative activity in the visual arts, literature, music, film, theatre or dance. Each course addresses at least four of the five learning objectives for this category, teaching students to engage with, to analyze, and to make creative work; to connect works of art to concurrent political, religious and social conditions; and to appreciate the theoretical and aesthetic contexts in which works of art are created. Courses may be taught from a disciplinary perspective but must be addressed to a non-specialist audience. Course materials and expectations do not presuppose familiarity with the discipline through which the course is offered. e24fc04721

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