Massage Therapies

Massage is one of the oldest and most pleasant natural (without harmful side effects) methods for the prevention and cure of diseases. Massage therapy not only refreshes muscles, skin and blood circulation, but also has a wonderful effect on the nervous system. Massage activates the parasympathetic nervous system, thereby counteracting the body's negative response to stress, relieving muscles from unwanted tension, and restoring normal heart rhythm, blood pressure and circulation.

Mechanotherapy is the most important part of physiotherapy, which includes physiotherapy, massage and various pulling treatments, also called extensions. Mechanotherapy is based on the determination of the correct ratio of rest, movement and exertion.

Massage produces local and body-wide effects in the treated organ. The massaged area develops blood congestion, provides more nutrients to the skin, and deletes harmful substances faster. Muscles are relaxed, producing substances that increase performance. Its effect extends beyond the treated part of the body, because the nerves lead to the stimulated part of the body, through which the function of the internal organs can be positively influenced.

Tensile treatments and extensions serve primarily to relax the muscles and improve the nutrition of the joints. It can help relieve pinched tendons and nerves. Pulling treatments are often used in combination with hydrotherapy, e.g. for the weight bath. The main task of physiotherapy is to eliminate the contraction of the joints and to strengthen the weakened muscles. It is also often used in combination with hydrotherapy in the form of underwater therapy.

Improvement and enhancement of mental-physical-mental state by touch-stroke is one of the oldest, natural cures. Touch-stroking gives our life a sense of security, joy, self-confidence, affirmation, warmth, and vitality, energy. Lack of caressing touch will make many more irritable, reduce the immune system's defenses, and sometimes cause depression.

The comforting power of touch and caress, as a means of showing love, is known to us as a child, and the need for it lasts until we die, because we feel the need for and love for us. Although it is not possible to know which one was the hen or the egg before the massage. So that the positive effect of massage on the soul does not make the body ill or that a professional massage at different points of the body is what maintains health. Massage can help prevent illness and protect your health. Through it we improve our performance, our beauty.

Massage has a beneficial effect on the whole body:

It tightens and consumes as it triggers blood flow, metabolism and is thus more rapidly degraded and excreted from the body. It relaxes the muscles and has a calming effect. It improves blood circulation and is therefore recommended in case of circulatory problems. It alleviates the symptoms and complaints of many diseases and conditions. It affects the production of our hormones, the functioning of our digestive system, our internal organs, our metabolism. Massage can be combined with aromatherapy, which can make the massage even more effective by choosing the right vegetable oil that will make the treatment even more successful in the particular disease or treatment.

There are many types of massage already, but one thing in common is that they all have a beneficial effect on the physical and mental aspects of the body. But each massage has its own philosophy, its origins, and each has its limits. There are two basic massage techniques:

- Western massage techniques: restores the functioning of some of the body's moving apparatus (muscles, tendons, bones, joints). (eg Swedish, healing, back massage)

- Oriental massage techniques: the essence and belief of these techniques is that our body's health depends on how much energy it can circulate and flow. And its purpose is to restore this free flow of energy. For example, tensioning the muscles prevents the flow of energy.

Many different massage techniques have evolved from the two basic types of massage.

Of course, not only the knowledge, competence and knowledge of the specialist is the most important factor in the efficiency of massage, but also where and in what circumstances we use the treatment, and how much we can relax, let go and let ourselves be pampered.

The sedentary lifestyle, the "stooping" work is nowadays the cause of what can almost be called a folk disease. Due to lack of movement, weak neck and back muscles hold the head forward for hours; thus, the muscles become tired, painful and tense, and neck and headaches develop. Tightness, cramping, worsens muscle blood flow, and the resulting lack of oxygen further aggravates pain and muscle spasm. Due to poor posture, our spine is further burdened, which can lead to disc herniation, inflammatory disease and degenerative wear.

The healing effect of massage

The therapeutic massage is also the basis of a Western massage therapy, the European massage. It is similar to Swedish massage in its basic approach, the difference being that the targeted area is treated during the therapeutic massage.

It is usually carried out under the direction of a physician with a curative effect, and its effect lies in its regularity.

Treatment usually ranges from 45 to 60 minutes, but may be more or less, depending on medical treatment and the patient's complaints.

The secret of the massage technique lies in smoothing, kneading, rubbing, tapping and shaking, and the fact that the masseur's hand causes stimulation of the sensory nerve endings of the tissues that temporarily inhibits the delivery of chronic pain stimuli to the brain. In addition, the tentacle stimulates endocrine secretion, which relieves pain without using medications.

Therapeutic massage stimulates blood circulation and cell metabolism, strengthens the immune system, relieves muscle aches, relaxes muscles, strengthens muscles, increases performance and concentration, and is an analgesic.

Not only can a therapeutic massage improve the physical level of the body, it also has a beneficial effect on the headache caused by nervousness and has a calming effect.

Therapeutic massage is a treatment available to everyone. It is also for healthy people, as healing massage also ensures general well-being and increases our performance and concentration.

The healing effect of massage on certain diseases

Rheumatic Diseases: They are the most important and wide range of indications. Pain and tissue lesions in this disease can be well controlled by massage. In many cases, massage causes pain to subside. For arthrosis of large joints, long-term pain relief is often achieved only by massaging. According to Herbert Krauss, massage is the most effective cure for "soft tissue rheumatism".

Neurological Disorders: Among the indications is the treatment of peripheral paralysis. Massage helps to prevent atrophy of the affected muscles and contracture and tightness of the healthy side. In case of central paralysis, the effect of massage is slight. However, by shaking the affected limb, the spastic muscles may become loose, making movement therapy easier.

Post-traumatic and post-operative disorders: Careful massaging after limb injuries or after surgery on the musculoskeletal system can significantly reduce the duration of healing. The treatment of bruises and bruises also reduces complaints. Massage after bandages and gypsum fixations improves blood flow and regenerates atrophied tissues.

Internal Medicine: In cardiac disease, massaging peripheral circulation relieves the heart. In hypertension, the relaxation of cramped muscle parts causes the peripheral arterioles to expand due to mechanical stimulation, reducing blood pressure and other complaints it cuts (headache, dizziness, etc.). Among the indications is psycho vegetative syndrome, because massage also has a positive effect on the neuro vegetative nervous system.

Treatment of chronic neck, shoulder and back pain, arm or lower limb complaints, recurrent headaches, fatigue, concentration problems. Promote faster recovery after postural disorders, developmental abnormalities, surgery, illness (eg nervous system damage), trauma, accidents. The masseur uses special touches to refine and relax the cramped muscles, relieving pain and, as a result, expanding the joints' space after the massage. Targeted treatment of diseases in circumscribed areas or in certain areas of the body (eg neck, back, shoulders, hips, legs) with Swedish massage courses.

Its goal:

  • Interrupting the cycle of pain
  • Improve local circulation of tissues
  • Enhance tissue oxygenation and metabolism
  • Normalizing muscle tone
  • Improve the overall condition of the organization

Massage therapy relieves chronic pain, helps to relieve the pain-inducing condition, and in itself has a pain-relieving effect. A skilled masseur therapist will stimulate the sensory nerve endings of the tissues to temporarily block the delivery of chronic pain stimuli to the brain. In addition, it causes the brain to select endorphin (a natural anesthetic in the body), which relieves pain and discomfort without using artificial drugs.

Recommended for: Neck, shoulder and back pain, arm or lower limb pain, recurrent headaches, posture disorders, spinal hernia, sitting, etc.

Complementary and preventative massage treatments

Refreshing-conditioning massage

Full body massage, which improves, refreshes and refreshes the general well-being of the skin and muscle.

It improves muscle performance as a direct effect of massage, decreases muscle tone, increases metabolism and thus increases muscle elasticity and performance. Tired muscles recover faster and improve stamina.

Massage improves the skin, dilates the capillaries of the skin, increasing the uptake of vital cell-nourishing substances and speeding up the removal of harmful toxins. Increased blood circulation helps to maintain the skin's proper moisture content, preventing it from drying out and itching.

Recommended for: People with reduced mobility.

Relaxation massage

Full body massage, which improves, refreshes and refreshes the general well-being of the skin and muscle. With the help of a qualified masseur therapist, stimuli in the sensory nerve endings of tissues stimulate the brain to produce hormones and harmonize the activity of the vegetative nervous system, relieve tension and relieve stress.

For many people, relaxation and relaxation is a difficult task, but it is very important as stress triggers more and more complaints and illnesses today (head, back and neck pain, eye overload, poor concentration, anxiety, depression, irritability, and endurance, anger, high blood pressure, fatigue, etc.)

Massage activates the parasympathetic nervous system, thereby counteracting the body's negative response to stress, relieving muscles from unintentional tension, allowing the recovery of normal heart rate, blood pressure and circulation, and better sleep.

Recommended for: People in stressful jobs

Seated massage

In today's fast-paced world where stress, constant work, lack of time, tension, and monotony are our daily lives, this therapy, sedentary massage or manager massage is a must.

Due to poor posture and workplace stress, the neck and shoulder muscles are strained and the sensitive area of ​​the back reacts with muscle stiffness and pain. Later, these problems cause migraine headaches and back pain. The fastest and most effective way to stop the process is a quick massage that can fit into anyone's working hours.

Recommended for: Everyone who does long-term work is subject to one-sided physical strain. Using a special massage chair, the masseur uses kneading movements to work the parts of the body between the head and the hip, relieving muscle stiffness and preventing any subsequent complaints.

Massage varieties

Acupressure massage

During the acupressure massage, the initial relaxation, warming up, smoothing, kneading is followed by the stimulation of the acupressure points. The purpose of these is to provide organs with pain with more life energy (chips), to restore equilibrium strip circulation, thereby treating disease. It is interesting that it is often possible to achieve the best results by treating points very distant from the organ that is experiencing pain. Acupressure massage is excellent for stress relief, locomotor and internal organs