Masculinity: under construction


Welcome to the web page of Masculinity: under construction. This site is under construction.

This space is for male-identifying folks to get together and discuss masculinity. The aim is to challenge ourselves, review our privilege, formulate a positive form of masculinity, build community and work towards change for ourselves and others.

We plan to have this volunteer work be grounded in feminist theory and practice. We will be checking in with online resources and real life folks about how to not perpetuate toxic masculinity ourselves. Even when we are trying to do good we need to keep ourselves in check and be accountable to our communities.

We will meet once per month, or depending on the group's needs. The format will be semi guided discussion. We'll get a chance to share our experiences and questions and solutions in a safe space, where we will promote open conversation and learning. The goal is to push ourselves and each other to learn, and this can be an uncomfortable experience. However, any hate speech such as racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, classism, and ableism will not be permitted. This is not a men's rights group.

Click below for our facebook page. Currently the group is closed, to provide more control over access, and ensure that it remains a learning space.

M:UC receives funding from the Ottawa Community Foundation.