Term paper

Choose a topic and discuss what studies using psycholinguistic corpora and controlled experiments can each tell us about. You should refer to at least one paper with psycholinguistic corpora and another with controlled experiments. 

I am expecting a critical review with your own thoughts rather than a mere summary of multiple papers (like "This paper says this and that paper says that"). That is, your paper should go beyond what is already written in each prior paper or one of them.

Submit a PDF document to me by 31.3.2024. 

Optionally, if you submit your draft anytime before 17.3.2024, I will give you feedback so that you can refine your paper. I am aiming to give you feedback within 1 week after you submit your draft, but it might depend on my schedule and how many of you submit your drafts.

It is also OK (or even recommended) to ask for feedback about the topic of the paper.

Styles & Formats


Assumed readers

You should expect average masters student in LST who haven’t taken this or a similar course (or you yourself before taking this course) as readers of your paper. Therefore you should explain some jargon that those people might not know (e.g. N400).

Figures & Tables

It is a good idea to include tables and figures from the preceding studies (especially in a literature review) or fake ones for your experiment (if you have). All tables and figures should be accompanied by a figure/table number and should be referred to with the number.

e.g., Figure 1 illustrates the EEG data of ...


Refer to the relevant work in-text. Make sure you have a section for references at the very bottom of your paper. All papers should be cited using the APA citation format, which is frequently used in the psycholinguistics literature. The website below provides useful examples for both in-text citation and the reference list: https://www.mendeley.com/guides/apa-citation-guide/
