
NOTE: This is a general guidelines for the seminars I teach. Check the course websites or Teams channels for course-specific information.


Each student will present assigned papers and lead discussions in one class. You are expected to:

What the presentation should look like

The presentation should be about 15-20 minutes. You would not have time to mention every single detail of the paper, so focus on the most important points. This would typically involve:

If there are more students than the papers on the reading list, you might be asked to collaborate with another student. Conversely, when there are fewer students than the papers, you might be asked to present papers in multiple classes. In the latter case, each of your presentations is graded but only the better one is reflected in your overall grade.

You should submit the slides by the end of the day before the presentation to the Discussion channel on Teams.

You will be evaluated for:

Tips for presentations:

Draft slides

You have to submit the drafts of your slides so that I can provide some feedback about it. The aim is to make sure you are on the right track and to see if you need any help. You should submit your draft slides by the end of the weekend before the presentation. You are also welcome to meet me to discuss the presentation either before or after you submit the draft. You could either visit me in the office hours (preferable) or schedule a meeting if needed. Note that the draft slides are graded leniently regarding the quality.

Collaborative presentations

When multiple people are assigned to one presentation, it is mostly up to you how you split the work. However, you should follow the points below:

Discussion questions

Students who are not presenting a paper will read the paper anyway and will come up with 2 discussion questions and send them to me by the end of the day before the class.

For example, you can think about:

The question should not be too vague. e.g., "This paper seems to be conflicting with X & Y (2021) in this specific results. How can we reconcile the two results?" 

You should think how you would answer the question. e.g., "I think this paper has such and such problems, and therefore this part of the argument does not stand. What do you think about it?"

You should submit this via Teams two days before the class. (e.g., if the class is on 10.10.2023, the deadline is 23:59 of 8.10.2023)

Participation & Engagement

Coming to the classroom and participating in discussions are very important components of the learning experience in this course. You will be graded for being in class and being actively engaged in the discussion. This is different from preparing your discussion questions.


If you register for 7 credicts, you are additionally assigned a term paper. This will not be a simple summary of the literature, but you should make some points that former literature have not. For example, you might point out an unanswered question and propose a new study that addresses it. More details will be announced later in the sememster.