ETEC 544
Digital Games and Learning



Hello, welcome to my 'ETEC 544 - Digital Games and Learning' Portfolio. 

I am currently taking this course in UBC and I'm excited to learn more on how I can create

 games that can motivate & engage students in learning. 

My first assignment I had to do as part of 'A gamer in you' activity for week 1, I was tasked to create a game to introduce myself.  Here is the final product.

Individual research and analysis of games, current trends of gaming industries, and content creators. There are 4 in total. 

Throughout the course, I was to play a game I never played before and research the good and bad aspect of the game. 

This is the final project for the semester. I had the opportunity to meet and collaborate with 3 other individual from different time zones and backgrounds to create a game that is catered to adult learners. Click below to see our process from start to finish.