Mary McNicholas/ Belief Coding, Mindset & Transformation Coach & Holistic Therapies

🌟 Welcome to Mary McNicholas's Journey of Belief Coding, Mindset & Transformation Coach & Holistic Therapies! 🌟

Hello and welcome, beautiful soul! I'm Mary McNicholas, and it brings me immense joy to welcome you to this space of growth, healing, and transformation. Allow me to share a bit about myself and the journey that has led me here.

For over 15 years, I pursued my passion as a chef, crafting delicious culinary creations and delighting the senses of those I served. Unfortunately, I needed to make the choice to change from the hustle and bustle of the kitchen due to physical injuries, and I felt a calling to explore the realms of law and justice. This led me to embark on a profound journey of education and self-discovery, culminating a Degree in Law and a Masters in International Human Rights and Public Policy. Alongside my academic pursuits, I've always been drawn to the mysteries of the mind and spirit.

Throughout this transformative journey, I've always been drawn to the mysteries of the mind, body, soul connection. Even amidst the clatter of pots and pans, I found solace in exploring the depths of dreams, numerology, and astrology. My own vivid dreams sparked a fascination with their meanings, and I delved into the ancient wisdom of numerology and astrology to uncover deeper truths about myself and the world around me.

Personal development has been at the core of my journey. As I navigated through various paths and experiences, I witnessed profound transformations within myself. These experiences ignited a passion within me to support others on their own journeys of self-discovery and empowerment.

Throughout my journey, I've acquired a diverse range of qualifications, certifications, and experiences in various modalities aimed at holistic healing and personal growth. As a certified belief coding reach your full potential coach, inner freedom coach, bio-energy therapist, Reiki practitioner (levels 1 & 2), crystal healer, card reader, and Akashic record reader, I've dedicated myself to mastering these transformative practices.

My passion for helping individuals reach their full potential and achieve inner freedom stems from my own journey of self-discovery and personal development. Through the ups and downs, twists and turns, I've experienced firsthand the profound impact that healing and growth can have on one's life. It's this deep-seated belief in the power of transformation that fuels my work and drives me to support others on their paths to empowerment.

Whether you're seeking clarity, healing, or a deeper connection to your true self, my mission is to serve as a guide and companion on your journey. Together, we'll unravel the layers holding you back, tap into your inner wisdom, and cultivate a life filled with purpose, joy, and abundance.

Today, as a Psychic/ Medium, Belief Coding - Reach your Full Potential Coach, Inner Freedom Coach, Spiritual Life Coach, Bio-energy Therapist, Reiki practitioner, Crystal healer, Card reader, and Akashic record reader, and Shamanic healer, I am honoured to walk alongside individuals like you as you navigate the beautiful tapestry of life. My mission is simple yet profound: to empower you to overcome limitations, unlock your true potential, and embrace a life filled with purpose, joy, and abundance.

Within this space, you'll find a wealth of resources, insights, and guidance tailored to support you on your unique journey. From informative descriptions of each modality I offer to a special lead magnet designed to uplift and inspire, this page is a sanctuary for your soul.

Thank you for entrusting me with a part of your journey. I'm deeply honored to be of service to you.

Mary McNicholas


Transform Your Life: Free Guide

Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation? Welcome to the "Ultimate Guide to Overcoming Limitations and Healing from Past Traumas" – your roadmap to unlocking the freedom and joy you deserve!

Inside this comprehensive guide, you'll find:

  • Insights and Understanding: Learn how to identify and overcome personal limitations, gaining clarity on the impact of past traumas on your present.

  • Empowering Techniques: Discover practical tools and techniques to challenge limiting beliefs, foster self-awareness, and cultivate resilience.

  • Healing Modalities: Explore a variety of healing modalities, from mindfulness meditation to expressive writing, designed to guide you on your transformative journey.

  • Real-Life Examples: Gain inspiration from real-life examples and case studies, illustrating the effectiveness of these techniques in action.

  • Reflection Exercises: Dive deep into self-discovery with reflection exercises aimed at uncovering your true potential and fostering personal growth.

But here's the catch: transformation requires action. Merely reading won't reshape your world; you must actively engage in the exercises provided. Are you ready to take the first step towards a life filled with freedom, joy, and abundance?

Click the link below to receive your FREE copy of the guide straight to your inbox. Don't miss out on this opportunity to start your journey of self-discovery today!


Belief Coding - Reach Your Full Potential Coaching:

Belief coding coaching is a 12 week transformative journey aimed at helping individuals overcome the seven pillars of failure that often hinder progress and success. These pillars, including fear of failure, procrastination, money blocks, impostor syndrome, lack of confidence, self-sabotage, and fear of judgment, represent deeply ingrained beliefs and behaviours that limit our potential.

In my coaching sessions, we delve deep into each of these pillars, unraveling the underlying patterns and beliefs that fuel them. Through a combination of introspection, mindset techniques, and actionable strategies, we work together to dismantle these barriers and cultivate a mindset of empowerment and possibility.

In addition to addressing these pillars, we'll embark on a "Mission and Vision Statement" Masterclass to clarify your aspirations and goals for the future. Through this process, we'll define your core values, articulate your long-term vision, and create a roadmap for turning your dreams into reality.

Here's how we address each pillar:

By combining deep inner work with practical action steps, belief coding coaching empowers you to break free from limitations, unlock your full potential, and create a life of fulfillment, purpose, and abundance.

By signing up to Belief Coding - Reach Your Full Potential Coaching, you will also receive:

Remember, all my coaching programs are about putting in the work! There will be no change without actually putting in the work! Are you ready to commit to your transformation and put in the effort required to achieve your goals? 

Here's what client's have said, what they have experienced! Hear from them! 


Working with Mary has been truly life-changing. Her compassionate guidance and expertise in belief coding coaching helped me overcome self-doubt and fear, allowing me to step into my power and pursue my dreams with confidence. Thanks to her support, I've experienced greater clarity, resilience, and success in both my personal and professional life.


I came across Belief Coding on facebook and I was very intrigued right from the start.  I attended the free 3 session workshop to get a better understanding of what it was all about.  I didn't feel ready to sign up to the full Facilitator workshop so when I saw Mary's facebook post looking for people to join her course to learn how to do Belief Coding for yourself rather than learning to do this on other people I jumped at the chance as I believed this was the right path for me at that time.  Mary has been very thorough and we had a phone conversation before signing up to ensure that this was right for both of us.    Mary has ensured that we've had all the required information prior to the weekly zoom calls and then we've gone through each workbook plus watched videos to reinforce our learning.  The zoom calls are just 4 of us so you feel safe to ask questions and talk about your experiences with BC.  Mary is really enthusiastic, her confidence is growing every week, she answers our questions where she can or opens it up for us to debate.  Mary is very open about her BC sessions and shares the key points and encourages us all to do the same.  The modules we do every week are very thought provoking and help you to set goals and identify your direction in life and then the BC sessions help you release trapped emotions to enable you to transform your limiting beliefs to positive ones in order that you can then move forward to achieve those goals.  I feel that my confidence has grown in doing the sessions.  The changes I am experiencing are very subtle rather than any huge revelations or big wow transformations but I believe you have to just keep chipping away at all these trapped emotions, and layer by layer you'll feel so much better in yourself.  It does take time, commitment and persistence to ensure that you keep doing the BC sessions.

I had a blocker at first in that I didn't believe I was doing it properly and it all felt very overwhelming.  I did a BC session on it and I had a trapped emotion of guilt for something I hadn't done properly when I was younger which caused pain for other people.  I worked through all that with my Reflection to shift that guilt and to code in the new beliefs that I can do it, I am doing it properly and I am worth it.  It feels such a relief to have worked through this as I have quite often had the same feelings when learning something new so hopefully this will hold strong for future similar experiences.

Another good session I did was around social anxiety, I was feeling worried about an upcoming social event.  The trapped emotion was overwhelm and related to a memory when I was 14. My new beliefs were that I am enough, I am calm, happy and relaxed and that I look forward to socialising with others.  When the weekend arrived I did feel calm, happy and relaxed, I didn't have the usual anxious thoughts whirring round my mind and I enjoyed it.  There are many facets and triggers regarding social anxiety so although I felt so much better about that situation I was recently worried about another event but it was for different reasons.  When I did the BC session it related to a trapped emotion of conflict when I was 13.  Ironically when I went out I faced conflict with the people I was with but I'm proud of the way I handled it and believed I behaved in a much more confident manner than I would have previously.


Thanks again for another great session! I really enjoyed today's session. I was feeling a bit stuck about the Mission Statement but you clarified it well. The penny dropped about what I could include. The World is my Oyster! I will get myself booked in for Crystal Healing!


This week we worked with self-sabotage and my discomfort was fear! I never considered myself "scared or fearful" of many things other than bugs and heights but when working something connected. All of my worrying is rooted in fear. So my truth is that I was scared and worried about so many things! How could I ever overcome them all? I would never be enough! That was when I realised that I was the one blocking myself! Unknowingly, my fear was controlling even teh small choices leaving me feeling unsure and doubting myself. My new beliefs are I am enough. I make decisions with ease. I trust my thought lead me to where I am supposed to be. 


It's so crazy! My heart felt full, whole. Before I realised it, I was in the shower getting ready to go. There was no anxiety, I didn't talk myself out of it. My feelings of being unworthy and doubting myself were no longer preventing me from trying new things, or putting myself out there. That was my proof! My new beliefs! 


An issue that came into my awareness was not feeling good enough about myself or feeling like a fraud. This was a constant struggle in all areas of my life. Doing a belief coding session on this issue, I acknowledge the child I was and saw her for the person that she is. Since then life has gotten better for me. 


During one of my belief coding sessions, it came to my awareness that I often felt lonely. It stemmed back to when I was around 9. My older sister was told to instruct me not to play with my brothers and their friends anymore. I was to give up being a tomboy and be a young girl and wear dresses and do the things that girls do. I was heart broken as I missed my brother and their friends. Having completed the belief coding session on this memory, I can honestly say that I no longer feel lonely.


I found Mary to be very knowledgeable and enthusiastic. As we clear blocks at a core level, we can be vulnerable and Mary really holds the energy of the group. Mary shares her own experiences of belief coding too, and I find this very helpful in how it all works. Mary encourages the group and I find her to be very caring, kind and genuinely interested in how belief coding supports our change. I can highly recommend Mary if you want to do the Belief Coding reach your full potential coaching. 


Mary is very talented. she is very warm and caring and very passionate about her work! I have found belief coding to be immensely worthwhile. Of course it requires effort! and Mary is very supportive of that. I have seen a lot of changes in myself so far with it! While I have plenty more to do, I feel with Mary's help, I can't wait to see what lies ahead!


Mary I didn't get a chance to tell you! Two weeks now and I'm not terrified anymore! A twinge yes, but not the terror! I can't tell you how grateful I am.


From the start I felt safe participating in this journey as Mary set the energy and safety for the group. I really liked her honesty and how belief coding supported her own work. The workbook that was sent to me was full of valuable insightful information. It was presented in an easy manageable way to help me see and feel what beliefs I have that block me. I unlocked a memory of when I was four and I was left with the feeling that what happened was my fault and indecisiveness throughout my life was the result. Using belief coding I could release this belief and emotions and replace it with a new belief code.


I enjoyed using my body as a human compass  to test my beliefs. So much useful information and personal insights I couldn't possible speak about them all individually.

- Deep dive into the power of recognizing and changing our limiting beliefs.

Mary did a wonderful workshop this evening. Mary went over everything we did so far. Mary gave lots of time for questions and gave us equal time to speak about any challenges we came up against. Mary spoke about being consistent with this work and how even one small step can lead to a big change. We covered how it's worth working through our individual challenges. We also set powerful intentions and Mary did another lovely guided meditation which gave me lots of personal insights. 

6-Week Inner Freedom Coaching Program:

Are you ready to embark on a profound journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and inner liberation? Welcome to the 6-Week Inner Freedom Coaching Program, where we will guide you through a transformative process designed to help you break free from limitations and embrace a life of true freedom and authenticity.

Week 1: Project Positive

In our first week together, we kickstart your journey by cultivating a mindset of positivity and possibility. Through empowering exercises and mindset shifts, you'll learn to project positivity into every aspect of your life, paving the way for greater joy, resilience, and success.

Week 2: Future Self

In Week 2, we journey into the future to meet your highest self. Through visualization and goal-setting exercises, you'll connect with the version of yourself who embodies your deepest aspirations and desires. By aligning with your future self, you'll gain clarity and direction on the path forward.

Week 3: Positives in Opposites

In Week 3, we explore the concept of finding positives in negatives. Through reframing techniques and perspective shifts, you'll learn to see challenges and setbacks as opportunities for growth and transformation. By embracing the duality of life, you'll cultivate resilience and adaptability in the face of adversity.

Week 4: Creating a Money Mindset

Week 4 is dedicated to transforming your relationship with money and abundance. Through mindset reprogramming and abundance practices, you'll release scarcity thinking and cultivate a mindset of abundance and prosperity. By aligning your beliefs and actions with abundance, you'll open the door to greater financial freedom and success.

Week 5: The Stories We Tell Ourselves

In Week 5, we delve into the power of storytelling and the narratives we create about ourselves and our lives. Through introspection and narrative reframing exercises, you'll uncover and release limiting stories that have been holding you back. By rewriting your story with empowerment and possibility, you'll step into a new chapter of your life filled with potential and purpose.

Week 6: OSHO Dynamic Meditation

Our final week together is a celebration of your journey and a powerful immersion into the present moment. Through OSHO Dynamic Meditation, a dynamic and cathartic meditation practice, you'll release pent-up energy and emotions, allowing for greater clarity, presence, and inner peace. As you embrace the totality of your being, you'll emerge from this transformative journey with a newfound sense of freedom, empowerment, and joy.

By signing up to Inner Freedom Coaching, you will also receive:

Are you ready to embark on this life-changing journey towards inner freedom and empowerment? Let's begin your transformation today.

Remember, all my coaching programs are about putting in the work! There will be no change without actually putting in the work! Are you ready to commit to your transformation and put in the effort required to achieve your goals? 

Here's what client's have said, what they have experienced! Hear from them! 


Participating in the Inner Freedom Workshop was truly life changing. The workshop provided a profound journey of self-discovery, helping me release old patterns and embrace a newfound sense of liberation. Mary cultivated supportive atmosphere of trust and growth, allowing me to explore my innermost  fears and block without judgment. Through the exercises and group discussions I gained insights of my limiting beliefs and behaviors. She introduced different tools and modalities to help navigate life's challenges with greater clarity and peace.  My heart is filled with gratitude for this experience. I’m ready to embrace life and all the beauty it has to offer!


Project positive exercise was truly enlightening. It challenged me to explore my motivations and behaviors on a deeper level than I ever had before. I peeled back layers of my subconscious, revealing profound insights about myself and why I respond the way I do. Through this process, I gained clarity and discovered the driving force behind my actions. This empowered me to make more intentional decisions and pursue my goals with unwavering determination.

Engaging in the Future Self Exercise exercise allowed me to align my present actions with my future desires, making every decision with my envisioned future self in mind. The clarity and motivation it provided propelled me forward, turning my dreams into achievable goals. 

Exploring the concept of positive opposites was a game-changer for me. Questioning my perspective allowed me to see the power of duality in shaping our lives. Embracing positive opposites like courage over fear, wisdom over ignorance, and love over hate, has transformed how I approach challenges and interactions I have with others. Choosing to focus on the positive side of things has helped me cultivate  a mindset of resilience, empathy and growth.


I never knew that I was holding onto negative beliefs around money until I immersed myself into the creating a money mindset workshop. Identifying my limiting thought patterns allows me to see the impact they are having on my financial choices. Feeling pretty excited about the possibilities ahead!


Stories We Tell Ourselves workshop was a deeply insightful experience for me. Mary created and held a safe supportive space for me to explore and uncover challenging narratives and self-limiting beliefs. The insights gained from the workshop have profoundly cultivate greater self-awareness, compassion, and alignment with my spiritual values. I highly recommend this workshop to everyone looking to identify what’s holding you back.


My first experience with Osho Dynamic Meditation was nothing like I expected. The music and encouragement created a transformative environment with waves of emotions coming to the surface and being released. I felt much lighter and my mind was so clear. Looking forward to doing it again!



Mary had great energy and enthusiasm through out the entire program. Mary’s capacity to include everyone and hold the group is second to none. At times Mary also shared her personal journey which inspired and motivated me to engage. I found the programme design easy to work with and it allowed me to gently uncover  my blockages. It allowed me to look deeper and clear out limitations that I didn’t know I had or still carried. It helped me write a mission statement so I could focus on where I want to be in life. I looked at areas where I procrastinate, ways to build my confidence and self-esteem, what are my fears, doubts and hidden beliefs. We did exercises and meditations to re-program my belief system. It was a deep dive into strategies, brainstorm ideas and harness our collective energy to move towards and reach our goals.

Speaking from personal experience this program is fun, insightful and the personal learning is amazing. This program is insightful and very worth doing!


Working with Mary has been an incredible journey of self-discovery and growth. Her holistic approach to coaching and healing has helped me overcome limiting beliefs and unlock my true potential. Thanks to her support, I've experienced greater confidence, clarity, and joy in all areas of my life.


Mary did a fabulous future meditation exercise with us.

This workshop helped me look and focus on what I really want in my future life, my dreams, my possibilities and bring them into focus. I wrote out my individual mission and vision statement. I really like the questions: What would be the ultimate goal for me and What direction am I going in and what do I want to see in my life. My personal insight was that its okay to relax and have free time it's not always about work.


- Understanding Reframing 

Mary as always is prepared, welcoming and very energetic throughout the workshop. Reframing helped me shift my perspective on any given situation, challenge or belief. I looked at things in my life from a different angle which gave me a different insight. I realised that I can self sabotage by not asking or allowing others to help me. I had lots and lots of wonderful insights. We looked at ways of enhancing resilience, increasing confidence, improving problem solving in order to get a positive outlook in life. 

I really like that Mary is available to us all during the week if we have any questions. I found Mary to be very gentle and supportive when I came up against a personal challenge that I was going through. 

We looked at our decision making, problem-solving and overall approach to challenges.

- Workshop on transforming your money mindset

This was a very interesting workshop. It highlighted my money blocks. Old belief was that I would only accept money if I worked hard for it, money doesn't come easy. Plus many other stuck beliefs that I wasn't aware of came to the surface. Belief coding helped me to clear my old stuck self-beliefs around money. I wrote up another mission statement around my future and having money and what I would like to have in my life. Very enjoyable evening. As ever Mary made this evening a wonderful experience.

- Our Stories

What is the story I keep saying to myself. Mary worked through the session to help us all unearth the narratives that have shaped our life. Working through this topic Mary spoke about embracing the incredible potential we all have for change and growth. My insight was no matter how much work I feel I have done there is always more to uncover and change into a positive bright future.

A wonderful thank you to all who were part of this journey and especially to Mary for her kindness, enthusiasm, always supportive and when she shared her personal journey to help us see how this work can actually work to change our life ♥️ 

Bio-Energy Therapy:

Bio-Energy Therapy is a holistic healing modality that works with the body's natural energy system to promote physical, emotional, and mental well-being. By clearing blockages and restoring the flow of energy throughout the body, this gentle yet powerful therapy can facilitate deep healing and transformation.

Clients who undergo bio-energy therapy often experience a wide range of benefits, including:

Here's what client's have said, what they have experienced! Hear from them! 


After the 1st session I felt tired and I could feel a certain shift in the body. As the week progressed, I felt contentedness. 


I feel refreshed and energised. Life force is in full flow! Muscles are relaxed and heartburn has lessened! Inner belief returning! I feel enriched, at ease and restful.


Before starting the sessions I suffered badly with vertigo. After session 1 and all those that followed I have found that the vertigo has very much improved. I only suffer in the mornings and evenings now. The day after the sessions I have found that I have also found my energy levels much improved. By evenings I am tired but during the day I have lots of energy. 


My sessions had a positive outcome. I have had no headaches that I was experiencing for months. I am less anxious and had an overall feeling of lightness. I would highly recommend the sessions. Mary was amazing. Put me at ease straight away and explained how the session worked and answered any questions. The treatment room was very relaxing and a lovely atmosphere with candles and gentle relaxing music. 


I was fortunate enough to come across Mary, an excellent healer! She has used her skills on me several times for injury to my stomach. I found great relief after each session. She gives generously of her time and expertise. I would recommend her to others unreservedly. I will be returning whenever I need further treatments. A grateful patient.


I cannot recommend Mary highly enough! Her energy healing sessions have been incredibly transformative for me. After struggling with chronic stress and anxiety, I felt an immediate sense of calm and balance after just one session. Through her intuitive approach and deep understanding of energy work, I've experienced profound healing and inner peace.

Reiki 1&2:

Reiki is a Japanese healing technique based on the principle of channeling universal life force energy to promote healing and balance. It operates on the belief that energy flows through all living beings and can be guided by a Reiki practitioner to support the body's natural healing processes.

In Reiki sessions, clients typically experience:

Personal experiences and success stories with Reiki often involve profound healing, emotional release, and spiritual awakening. Clients may report feeling more centered, balanced, and aligned with their higher purpose after Reiki sessions.

Here's what client's have said, what they have experienced! Hear from them! 


I couldn't believe how relaxed I got! I even fell asleep which is very unlike me to be that relaxed during the day. My mind is usually racing and active so the space really gave me the opportunity to relax and take a time out. I had a number of sessions which have all been different. Pains I had in my shoulders have gone since and back pains have eased dramatically. I'll be back! 


One word..... AMAZING! I have never felt so relaxed and switched off during the sessions with Mary! It was calming and allowed me to take time for myself. It felt amazing and really helped with my sleep and anxiety, so I would 100% recommend. Mary is kind, caring and explains everything before the sessions. Can't wait to go again!


I had the privilege of experiencing Reiki sessions with Mary, and I can honestly say it was a life-changing experience. Her gentle yet powerful touch and intuitive guidance created a space of deep relaxation and healing. After each session, I felt lighter, more balanced, and more connected to myself. Reiki with Mary has become an essential part of my self-care routine, and I'm forever grateful for her healing presence.


This was a truly transformative experience. I had been struggling with chronic pain and emotional distress for years, and nothing seemed to provide relief. After just one session, I felt a profound sense of peace and relief wash over me. Not only did my physical pain diminish, but I also experienced a deep emotional release. I left the session feeling renewed, rejuvenated, and empowered to take control of my health and well-being.


I cannot recommend Reiki sessions with Mary highly enough! Her intuitive gifts and healing touch create a sacred space for deep healing and transformation. I've experienced profound shifts in both my physical and emotional well-being after each session. Whether I'm seeking relief from stress, pain, or emotional turmoil, Reiki with Mary always leaves me feeling grounded, centered, and at peace. Thank you for your incredible healing work!


This has been a source of profound healing and transformation for me. Your compassionate presence and intuitive insights create a safe and nurturing environment for deep healing to occur. I've experienced significant improvements in my energy levels, mood, and overall sense of well-being since beginning my Reiki journey with you. I'm forever grateful to you for your support and guidance on my healing path.


Working with you has been nothing short of miraculous. Your gentle yet powerful energy has helped me release years of pent-up emotional and physical tension. Each session leaves me feeling lighter, more aligned, and deeply connected to myself and the universe. This has become an essential part of my self-care routine, and I'm so grateful for the profound healing and transformation it has brought into my life.

Crystal Healing:

Crystal healing is a therapeutic technique that utilizes the energy properties of crystals and gemstones to promote healing and balance on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. Each crystal possesses unique energetic properties that interact with the body's energy field (aura) to restore harmony and well-being.

In crystal healing sessions, clients can benefit from:

By incorporating various crystals into healing sessions, practitioners can tailor the experience to address clients' specific needs and goals, leading to profound transformations and renewed vitality.

Here's what client's have said, what they have experienced! Hear from them! 


My experience with crystal healing sessions has been nothing short of transformative. Your intuitive selection of crystals and gentle energy work create a deeply relaxing and rejuvenating experience. I've experienced profound shifts in my energy levels, emotional well-being, and overall sense of balance after each session. I need this to become an essential part of my self-care routine, and I'm so grateful for the healing and insight! Thank you


Mary this has been a source of profound healing and clarity for me! I never understood the power of crystals and their energetic properties before!  This really created a powerful space for healing and transformation. I've experienced relief from physical discomfort, emotional turmoil, and mental stress after each session. This has helped me reconnect with my inner wisdom and find greater peace and balance in my life.


I had the pleasure of experiencing crystal healing sessions with Mary, and I'm amazed at the results. Her selection of crystals and intuitive energy work helped me release old patterns, emotions, and energetic blockages that were holding me back. I felt lighter, more grounded, and more aligned with my true self after each session. Crystal healing with Mary has been a catalyst for profound healing and transformation in my life, and I'm forever grateful for her expertise and support.


This has been an absolute game-changer for me. I've experienced relief from chronic pain, anxiety, and stress, as well as a greater sense of clarity, purpose, and connection with myself. It has helped me tap into my inner strength and wisdom, allowing me to navigate life's challenges with more grace and resilience.


OMG Mary, working with you for crystal healing sessions has been a truly magical experience. Your intuitive selection of crystals and gentle energy work create a nurturing environment for deep healing and transformation. I've experienced profound shifts in my energy, mindset, and overall well-being after each session. It has helped me release old wounds, fears, and limitations, allowing me to step into a life filled with joy, abundance, and purpose. I'll be buying more crystals! 

Bio-energy, Reiki & Crystal Healing

If you're ready to dive deeper into your journey of self-discovery and transformation, I offer both single sessions and multiple session packages tailored to your needs. Whether you're seeking clarity, healing, or empowerment, I'm here to support you every step of the way.

Choose Your Path:

Enhance Your Experience:

Looking to amplify your healing journey? I offer the option to incorporate multiple modalities, including bio-energy therapy, Reiki, and crystal healing. By combining these powerful techniques, you can experience a holistic approach to healing and transformation.

Ready to embark on this transformative journey together? Reach out to book your session today and take the first step towards a life filled with purpose, joy, and abundance.

Card Readings:

Card readings are a divination tool used to gain insights, guidance, and clarity on various aspects of life, including relationships, career, and personal growth. Whether using tarot cards, oracle cards, or other card decks, the process involves tapping into the collective unconscious and intuition to interpret the symbolism and messages within the cards.

During card readings, clients may experience:

With an intuitive approach to card readings, I create a safe and supportive space for clients to explore their inner wisdom, uncover hidden truths, and gain clarity on their path forward.

If you would like to book a reading, Click on the Link Below!

Here's what client's have said, what they have experienced! Hear from them! 


Working with Mary has been an absolute blessing. Her insightful card readings provided me with the clarity and guidance I needed to navigate a challenging career transition. With her support, I gained a deeper understanding of my strengths and passions, allowing me to make empowered decisions and pursue a path aligned with my true purpose.


Mary, Thanks so much for an on point and accurate reading. I was especially taken with the animal totem reference and the reference to healing that was unbelievable ! Mary you picked on learning which was unbelievable as I am doing some study right now on spiritual development/ psychic ability. Butterflies are very significant to me as they represent change and transformation for me and this is a symbol which Is especially close to my heart. I do feel a bit scattered at times so it was reassuring to know that I should just TRUST and to lay things unfold. I felt hopeful and optimistic having had a reading from you. Thank you so so much Mary. When can I book a another.


Your card reading was incredibly accurate and insightful. This reading gave me clarity and guidance on a situation I've really been struggling with! The reference to the colours and its significance resonated deeply with me, confirming the path I need to take for my spiritual growth. I left the reading feeling hopeful, optimistic, and empowered to trust in the unfolding of my journey. Thank you, Mary, for your guidance and wisdom!


This card reading was spot on! You picked up on the themes of change and transformation in my life. The reading provided me with reassurance and validation that I'm on the right path, despite feeling scattered at times. To trust and allow things to unfold naturally resonated deeply with me, leaving me feeling hopeful and optimistic about the future. Thank you, Mary, for your insightful reading and comforting presence.


I had the pleasure of receiving a card reading from Mary, and I was blown away by the accuracy and depth of her insights. I left the reading feeling uplifted, inspired, and with a renewed sense of hope for the future. Thank you, Mary, for your incredible gift and compassionate guidance.

Akashic Record Readings:

Akashic record readings involve accessing the Akashic records, which are a universal library containing the collective wisdom and experiences of every soul throughout time. By tapping into this energetic archive, I can gain insights into past lives, present circumstances, and future potentials.

During Akashic record readings, clients may experience:

Clients often report transformative experiences after Akashic record readings, including profound shifts in perspective, clarity on life purpose, and a deeper sense of connection with themselves and the universe. 

If you would like to book a reading, Click on the Link Below!

Here's what client's have said, what they have experienced! Hear from them! 


I had an akashic record reading with Mary. It was very insightful. I felt safe and held in acceptance throughout the whole session. it felt like the most natural thing to receive information back about my life and it's direction. Thank you Mary!


I had my akashic records reading done recently and I felt different straight away! I felt lighter and gained understanding of my past and received guidance. It was time and money well spent and I know my life will only get better from this point. I am very grateful for the experience. Thank you Mary! Continue your great work!


Mary gave me an akashic record reading, she clearly explained the process as I had never had one before, she beautifully guided me to where I needed to be to find the questions I needed to ask, she is super intuitive and her reading made complete sense to me and resonated fully! The energy was off the charts, I felt like I was floating in pure love! Mary has a special gift and having a reading with her will open your eyes to all the possibilities waiting for you, thank you so much Mary you are amazing x


Words cannot express how grateful I am for Mary's Akashic record readings. Through her guidance, I was able to access profound insights into past traumas and patterns that were holding me back. With her support, I've experienced a profound shift in perspective and a newfound sense of freedom and empowerment.

Connect with me and lets go on this journey together!

Ready to embark on your journey towards transformation and empowerment? Take the next step today:

Don't wait any longer to unlock your full potential and embrace a life of inner freedom and fulfillment. Take the first step towards positive change today!

Step into your power today!