You can find the info for installing the extension at Github though Cygaar wrote in a follow-up tweet that they didn't expect to maintain it longterm barring a large demand. So if you want to install the extension do it soon and don't count on having it forever. There's only so much that can be done to slow Musk's changes, after all.

Get rid of these interruptions with the Hide Twitter Ads Chrome extension. Free and available in multiple languages (including English, Korean, Spanish, Japanese, and French), Hide Twitter Ads does exactly what its name promises.

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Sometimes the simplest things can have the most impact on our day-to-day lives. With the best extensions for Chrome 2022 listed above, as well as the custom options available with PixieBrix, you'll be more productive in no time.

The key with this approach is to provide Twitter with a legitimate domain for the callback URL for your app. Then, use content scripts to inject a script onto that same domain. That script will parse the query string of the URL to get the tokens and send those tokens in a message to your extension's background script. Your background script will take the tokens and then perform the third leg of the oauth process, which will finally get you the oauth token and oauth token secret.

In your background script, have some logic that listens for the message, gets the token, and uses Twitter's API for the third leg of the oauth process to finally get the oauth token and oauth token secret, which you can then save in localStorage or

You need to register the client to your provider with _cb, where 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdef' is replaced with your extension ID and intagram_cb is name for a path to be able to distinguish between other providers you wish to authenticate with within the extension. If you only have one, then you can omit it.

The Twitter Pixel Helper Chrome extension helps advertisers verify that they have correctly placed the Twitter Pixel on their website. The extension also allows advertisers to inspect dynamic parameter values passed within events and verify that the information is formatted correctly. The extension is available for free to all advertisers in English with more languages coming soon.

Navigate to your website. The Twitter Pixel Helper will automatically detect any Twitter pixels that successfully send data to Twitter. The badge number on the extension shows you at-a-glance how many pixels were detected on the page.

The loader for the malicious Chrome extension was initially analysed by @x3ph1 who dubbed it ChromeLoader. To avoid misunderstandings with legitimate Chrome components we hereby refer to it as Choziosi loader. The analysis on the loader is detailed but x3ph1 does not describe the Chrome extension Choziosi, which got me intrigued.

The PowerShell script downloads the Chrome extension[1] from a malware server and installs it. Due to the scheduled task this continues to happen every ten minutes. This explains why some Reddit users complain that Chrome closes itself all the time. This is a mishap of the malware developer because the annoyance factor will make it more likely that affected users clean their system as soon as possible.

The Chrome extension itself has not been analysed yet. Possibly because of its hefty obfuscation. While trying to debug the extension within Chrome, I already noticed that the extension settings chrome://extensions are redirected to the general settings chrome://settings. This prevents users from uninstalling the extension within Chrome.

The extension consists of four files. The application icon is called properties.png and shows a gearwheel. The manifest.json is part of every Chrome extension and has some metadata, e.g., about the icon location, extension name and permissions. The config.js contains the name of the extension, version number, C2 server and some form of id named _dd which is always sent as parameter to the server.

The extension's main functionality is to serve advertisments and hijack search requests to Google, Yahoo and Bing. Every three hours analytics are sent to the C2. The extension requests advertisments from the C2 server every 30 minutes.

The following image shows the extension's request to the C2 server in the first line and the server response in the second. The server provided a direct download link for a legitimate software product.

I've created the first version of the extension in 4 hours.

I immediately submitted it to the Chrome Web Store for review. After 3 days, our extension was approved and published to the public store.

When the extension became available in the store, my friend wrote a tweet with an example of using the extension, the tweet went viral and gained 95k views, 140 retweets and attracted the first 400-500 users to us.

After 4 days, we saw that the bills for requests in OpenAI reached $6 dollars a day, we had 500 people download our extension at that point. We decided to create a pay-wall and to be quick with the payments we decided to use Gumroad. We created a landing page using site-builder and added payments to the extension

I got into the movement of Build in public and posting updates about my project on twitter... also communicating with others.. It was pretty annoying to write response by hand... so literally thought AI can do that job with a click of button. Since I am also a chrome extension developer, I thought I can definitely put my hands on it :)

Our only customer channel was Twitter, we use #buildinpublic to tell more about our progress and our takeaways. People tend to like it and find it useful so they try it out and use the extension. If they find value in it then they purchase a subscription to more replies.

Congrats on the achievement Sergey! I wonder if you could share the process of integrating GumRoad with the chrome extension. Mainly about how you share the user details (paid/free, monthly_generations) with the extension service workers.

Very cool! Congrats on such a quick turnaround. I recently heard that the Twitter API is going to start costing money, does that affect you? ( -api) Or are you getting around that by messing with the webpage directly from the browser extension code?

We're not using Twitter API. Chrome Extensions let you embed in the page directly and modify it, or do any sort of stuff with javascript. Embedding buttons into twitter UI and getting original tweets in our case

I had been running some simple stylesheet hacks via the Stylish extension on Google Chrome. With these I was able to fix the only issue I had with the layout. I wrote up a few media queries in a stylesheet that let me resize the window down. I was running this for several months but it had some drawbacks:

If you have Avast antivirus installed as an extention in Chome it may disable twitter widget. In Chome try ty click right Avast icon and chose the menu Social networks blocked / Twitter (switch Off blocking) It works for me in Chrome

A new Chrome extension allows you to immediately see which Twitter users have paid for a blue verification checkmark and which were verified prior to the launch of Elon Musk's newly unveiled version of Twitter Blue.

The Eight Dollars extension allows users to shortcut the process and see on their Twitter feed which accounts have paid for verification and which have not. Accounts display as "actually verified" or "paid for verification."

So we have a listĀ  with itemsĀ  one for each of Reply, Retweet, Favorite and More. Inside every of them they have a (anchor that processes the click action), deeper we have a that becomes the icon, and finally followed by the ugly text wrapped in . That looks easy enough, we will find all these elements based on their class attribute, descend down to find the text and get rid of it. So we create a new folder for TwitterClean extension, copy paste some manifest boring code and set it up to load a javascript file anytime twitter loads. For example, right after page loads, lets execute:

This Chrome extension is all about sharing content you find around the web. Have you seen those tweets that show part of an article in visual form, then link out? Chirp lets you highlight and screenshot, while keeping the link active.

Cut through all the noise and only see the best of Twitter, in real time, with activity analytics intact. This is an awesome Chrome extension that will alert you whenever interactions are happening that you will want to take part in.

You can even remove certain items like buttons from your Twitter page, so you get an even cleaner view. This is the Chrome extension I never knew I needed; I now use it all the time, and I love the effect it has on my Twitter viewing.

If you use Twitter lists, the Twitter Lists Redux extension lets you access a list with a single click, instead of three. It displays a link to each of your lists on your Twitter home page. Otherwise, Twitter buries your lists in a secondary menu you access by selecting your image (in the upper right), then choosing Lists from the menu.

The last two extensions mentioned above both broke when Twitter changed the design and layout of the site in mid-June 2017. However, both developers, @_tomitm (Twitter Lists Redux) and @ThomSeddon (Twitcher), updated these extensions within a day of the change.

Hello! This is a quick video where I show how your Chrome extension can get information about people who liked a specific tweet, for example, let's open this tweet navigate to our development tools network and open this page if we select this filter to only show fetch requests.

and a cursor for the next batch of information to get from the Twitter API when If I run this script, it will override xhr. off the Twitter website to save headers that We need to make requests if I execute. this function with the ID of a tweet code that you can put into your Chrome extension will make requests to Twitter. and return likers in order, as you can see Here we have an array of names for profiles that liked this Tweet now if we go to a different tweet and execute our With this new ID, we will get another set of arrays if we go to Likers, we can actually see this information is correct, and that's pretty much it This method is useful for moderating social networking sites like Twitter Instagram and Facebook because they all operate in a similar fashion, so if you Want your Chrome extension to get likes? or people who would read it, you can use this code, and it will give you the information you need. Thank you for watching, have a nice day, and if you need a Chrome extension like this developed for your business or your idea Feel free to reach out. Thank you. ff782bc1db

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