Mark Weder

Employment & Appointments

2019- Professor of Economics & Danmarks Nationalbank Bicentenary Chair Aarhus Universitet

2007-2019 Professor of Economics The University of Adelaide

2005-2007 Associate Professor of Economics The University of Adelaide

2002-2005 Heisenberg Fellow Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

1998-2005 Assistant Professor of Economics Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin  

Primary fields of interest

Macroeconomics Business cycles, market psychology & multiple equilibria, imperfect competition, firm dynamics, monetary policy, labor markets

Economic History United States and Germany, Great Depression


Macroeconomics, Monetary Economics, Economic Growth, Mathematical Economics

Main research outputs

Endogenous Product Scope: Market Interlacing and General Equilibrium Dynamics“, with Oscar Pavlov, European Economic Review 148 (2022), 104243. 

Do We Really Know that U.S. Monetary Policy was Destabilizing in the 1970s?, with Nicolas Groshenny and Qazi Haque, European Economic Review 131 (2021), 103615.

Animal Spirits, Financial Markets and Aggregate Instability, with Wei Dai and Bo Zhang, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 52 (2020), 2053-83.

“Product Scope and Endogenous Fluctuations“, with Oscar Pavlov, Review of Economic Dynamics 24 (2017), 175-91. 

“Monetary Policy and Indeterminacy after the 2001 Slump”, with Firmin Doko Tchatoka, Nicolas Groshenny and Qazi Haque, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 82 (2017), 83–95.

“Payroll Taxes, Social Insurance and Business Cycles”, with Michael C. Burda, Journal of the European Economic Association 14 (2016), 438-67.

“News about Aggregate Demand and the Business Cycle”, with Jang-Ting Guo and Anca Sirbu, Journal of Monetary Economics 72 (2015), 83-96.

“Countercyclical Markups and News Shocks”, with Oscar Pavlov, Review of Economic Dynamics 16 (2013), 371-82.

“Variety Matters”, with Oscar Pavlov, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 36 (2012), 629-41.

“Technological Change and the Roaring Twenties: A Neoclassical Perspective”, with Sharon G. Harrison, Journal of Macroeconomics 41 (2009), 363-75.

“Indeterminacy and Sticky Prices”, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 40 (2008), 1073-82.

“Did Sunspot Forces Cause the Great Depression?” with Sharon G. Harrison, Journal of Monetary Economics 53 (2006), 1327-39.

“The Role of Preference Shocks and Capital Utilization in the Great Depression”, International Economic Review 47 (2006), 1247-68.

“Taylor Rules and Macroeconomic Instability or How the Central Bank Can Pre-empt Sunspot Expectations”, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 38 (2006), 655-78. 

“A Heliocentric Journey into Germany’s Great Depression”, Oxford Economic Papers 58 (2006), 288-16

“Tracing Externalities as Sources of Indeterminacy”, with Sharon G. Harrison, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 26 (2002), 851-67.

“Indeterminacy in a Small Open Economy Ramsey Growth Model”, Journal of Economic Theory 98 (2001), 339-56.

“Aggregate and Sector-Specific Externalities in a Model of Indeterminacy”, with Sharon G. Harrison, Economics Letters 69 (2000), 173-79.

“Animal Spirits, Technology Shocks and the Business Cycle”, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 24 (2000), 273-95.

“Fickle Consumers, Durable Goods and Business Cycles”, Journal of Economic Theory 81 (1998), 37-57.

Extramural research inputs

Discovery Project Grant Australia's Resilience to Recession, Australian Research Council (DP200101963), with Renée Fry-McKibbin and Matt Greenwood-Nimmo 

Australia – Germany Joint Research Co-operation Labor Markets and Productivity in the Short and in the Long Run, Group of Eight and Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD-57141344), with Michael Burda

Discovery Project Grant Allocation of Risk and Economic Slumps, Australian Research Council (DP140102869), with Jacob Wong

Discovery Project Grant Understanding the Effects of News Shocks on Macroeconomic Fluctuations, Australian Research Council (DP1096358), with Jacob Wong

Humboldt Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers, Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung, (AUS/1132996)

Heisenberg Fellowship, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (We2274/2-2)

Research Grant, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Research Grant, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (We2274/1-1)

Research Fellowship for Younger German Scholars of American Politics, Economics, History or Society, German Marshall Fund of the United States (A-0375-25)

Scholarship, Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst 

Scholarship, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung

Degrees & Education

Habilitation (Venia Legendi for Economics), Department of Economics, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany, 2001        

PhD (Economics), Department of Economics, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany, 1997

Visiting PhD Student, Department of Economics, University of Maryland, College Park, USA, 1990-1991

Diplom (Economics), Department of Economics, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany, 1990


mweder at econ dot au dot dk