Additional Google Cloud CLI and VMware Engine API Endpoints: More capabilities delivered using VMware Engine API and Google Cloud CLI enables you to programmatically manage VMware Engine environments, including VMware Engine API and Google Cloud CLI functions for managing the new networking model, network peering, external access rules and external IP service, consumer DNS, and more.

Managed autoscaler for compute capacity on Cloud Spanner instances is now in preview. With managed autoscaler, Spanner automatically increases or decreases compute capacity on the instance in response to changing workload or storage needs and user defined goals. For more information, see Managed autoscaler.

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One commenter suggested that the scoping requirements for ALS in the 2004 ADAAG were too stringent and that the Department should return them to the Access Board for further review and consideration. Others commented that the requirement for new ALS systems should mandate multichannel receivers capable of receiving audio description for persons who are blind, in addition to a channel for amplification for persons who are hard of hearing. Some comments suggested that the Department should require a set schedule and protocol of mandatory maintenance. Department regulations already require maintenance of accessible features atĀ  35.133(a) of the title II regulation, which obligates a title II entity to maintain ALS in good working order. The Department recognizes that maintenance of ALS is key to its usability. Necessary maintenance will vary dramatically from venue to venue based upon a variety of factors including frequency of use, number of units, quality of equipment, and others items. Accordingly, the Department has determined that it is not appropriate to mandate details of maintenance, but notes that failure to maintain ALS would violateĀ  35.133(a) of this rule.

The Department, together with the other Federal agencies responsible for the enforcement of Federal laws prohibiting employment discrimination on the basis of disability, recognizes the potential for jurisdictional overlap that exists with respect to coverage of public entities and the need to avoid problems related to overlapping coverage. The other Federal agencies include the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, which is the agency primarily responsible for enforcement of title I of the ADA, the Department of Labor, which is the agency responsible for enforcement of section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and 26 Federal agencies with programs of Federal financial assistance, which are responsible for enforcing section 504 in those programs. Section 107 of the ADA requires that coordination mechanisms be developed in connection with the administrative enforcement of complaints alleging discrimination under title I and complaints alleging discrimination in employment in violation of the Rehabilitation Act. Although the ADA does not specifically require inclusion of employment complaints under title II in the coordinating mechanisms required by title I, Federal investigations of title II employment complaints will be coordinated on a government-wide basis also. The Department is currently working with the EEOC and other affected Federal agencies to develop effective coordinating mechanisms, and final regulations on this issue will be issued on or before January 26, 1992.

App Service App Stack Re-alignment - due to a number of changes in how the Service manages App and Stack settings, the Terraform resource schema and validation needs to be updated to re-align with the service. Whist we ordinarily avoid breaking changes outside a major release, the drift has made several aspects of these resources in an unworkable position resulting in a poor experience for many users (#19685)

To be able to make a VoLTE call, the device, its firmware, and the mobile telephone providers on each end, as well as the inter-carrier connectivity must all implement the service in the area, and be able to work together. VoLTE has been marketed as "HD Voice" by some carriers, but this is a broader concept. Moreover, HD+ (EVS) is used only in LTE; HD Voice was available in 3G too.

VoLTE is based on the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) architectural framework, with specific profiles for control and media planes of voice service. This facilitates VoLTE on the LTE wireless broadband service defined by GSMA in PRD IR.92.[1] The approach results in the voice service (control and media planes) being delivered as data flows within the LTE data bearer, with no dependency on (or ultimately, requirement for) the circuit-switched voice network to be in the call path.

2. Updating the log formatter used by the application. In order to injecttracing information into a log the formatter must be updated to include thetracing attributes from the log record. ddtrace-run will do thisautomatically for you by specifying a format. For more detail or instructionsfor how to do this manually see the manual section below.

Note: BIOS is updated automatically only during an ISSU. This procedure will not update the BIOS version as it does not use an ISSU. Due to this, the switch can still be affected by this issue at the next ISSU if the target NX-OS version does not have the fix.

A: Yes. NYSDOH will continue to engage with stakeholders through webinars and technical assistance calls to ensure a smooth and well-informed HHCS implementation. We will monitor the implementation and work to address issues that may arise. NYSDOH will also continue stakeholder engagement that helps ensure all PCS and HHCS providers and FIs are able to achieve and maintain compliance with all EVV requirements.

A: Under the Choice Model, providers and fiscal intermediaries self-select an EVV vendor that meets the needs of their constituents and self-fund its implementation. Providers and fiscal intermediaries with an existing EVV solution must ensure it meets federal and state requirements and configure data collection to meet NYS standards as published and periodically updated on the NYS EVV website.

The 'beforeExit' event is emitted when Node.js empties its event loop and hasno additional work to schedule. Normally, the Node.js process will exit whenthere is no work scheduled, but a listener registered on the 'beforeExit'event can make asynchronous calls, and thereby cause the Node.js process tocontinue.

Listener functions must only perform synchronous operations. The Node.jsprocess will exit immediately after calling the 'exit' event listenerscausing any additional work still queued in the event loop to be abandoned.In the following example, for instance, the timeout will never occur:

In most situations, it is not actually necessary to call process.exit()explicitly. The Node.js process will exit on its own if there is no additionalwork pending in the event loop. The process.exitCode property can be set totell the process which exit code to use when the process exits gracefully.

Quiet quitting is what happens when someone psychologically disengages from work. They may be physically present or logged into their computer, but they don't know what to do or why it matters. They also don't have any supportive bonds with their coworkers, boss or their organization. be457b7860

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