Marion Lara Tan
I am a lecturer at the Joint Centre for Disaster Research, Massey University, New Zealand. My research contributes to enhancing resilience by understanding the intersection between human behaviour and technology during disasters.
I am proud to be part of CRISiSLab
ORCID: 0000-0003-0309-4121
Recent Publications
Tsunami evacuation modelling: Expert elicitation workshops results
Tsunami resilience: Aotearoa New Zealand's path to integrated risk management and engineering design
Adapting PLUM: Earthquake early warning with node-level processing in New Zealand
Social media use by multiple stakeholders and rightsholders during the Fort McMurray wildfires
Knowledge, perceptions, and behavioral responses to earthquake early warning in Aotearoa New Zealand
Exploring the role of citizen science in the warning value chain for high impact weather
See the full list of all my publications here.
Education background:
PhD (2020), Massey University
MSc Programme and Project Management (2012), University of Warwick
BS Management (2008), Ateneo de Manila University
Interesting facts:
I gave a TEDx Mount Victoria talk!
Originally from the Philippines, I am happy to identify as a Pinoy Scientist!
I am a recipient of the 2016 NZIDRS scholarships.
My work contributes to the wider resilience research in New Zealand.
Other Projects
CRISiSLab Challenge
I led annual technology competition events for high school students in Wellington.
Contact details:
Twitter: @marionLtan
LinkedIn: Marion Lara Tan