I'm a PhD candidate in Economics at UC Berkeley.

Fields: Labor and Development Economics

Racial Gaps in the Labor Market: The Role of Nonwhite Entrepreneurship (with Roberto Hsu Rocha)

We investigate how the racial composition of entrepreneurs affects racial differences in labor market outcomes of workers. We create a novel data set that identifies the race of firm owners in Brazil and link it with matched employer-employee data that contains information on the universe of formal employment contracts. We first present evidence of assortative matching between nonwhite workers and nonwhite entrepreneurs. Controlling for a wide set of covariates, we find that the share of nonwhite workers is 18.7% higher in firms with at least one nonwhite owner. We then show that the adjusted racial wage gap is 28% smaller in firms with nonwhite entrepreneurs than in white-owned firms. This is partially explained by nonwhite workers accessing better occupations in firms with nonwhite entrepreneurs. Lastly, we show that nonwhite workers are 15% more likely to become entrepreneurs if they were previously employed by nonwhite entrepreneurs than if they were employed by white entrepreneurs.

Voting for quality? The impact of school quality information on electoral outcomes (with Claudio Ferraz)

We use data from polling stations and public primary schools to estimate the electoral effects of making school quality information available to voters. We exploit the introduction of a school-level accountability system in Brazil that provides, for the first time, information about school quality and exploit variation in schools affected by the policy. We find that incumbent vote shares are 2.14 percentage points higher for schools in the top 20% of our sample's distribution of school quality and 1.54 percentage points lower for schools in the bottom 20% of the distribution. These effects are larger for more educated voters.