
Photo by Niklas Reinhart

Hi,  I am Maria Ketzmerick-Calandrino, an international relations scholar focusing on peace, conflict, and security. I am a postdoctoral researcher in the project CRAFTE at Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO) Berlin. Before joining ZMO, I was a lecturer at the Chair for Sociology of Africa and a Principal Investigator in the Hierarchies Network at the University of Bayreuth. After studying Political Science, International Law, and Global Studies (University of Münster, IEP Lyon, Roskilde University, and Leipzig University), I was a doctoral researcher at the collaborative research center "Dynamics of Security" / Center for Conflict Studies at the University of Marburg, where I also did my PhD. 

My research focuses on topics within post/decolonial security research, historical and sociological international relations in a regional, transnational, and global context, and (global) peace and conflict research. In doing so, I want to contribute to an understanding of the ambivalent and complex interrelationships between locally rooted social dynamics, transnational politics, and global change, and I am particularly interested in the (politically loaded and power-shaped) relationship between state and society and the associated dynamics of (in)security. 

Empirically, I am interested in situations in which (social) orders are subject to constant (re)negotiation and the question of how these orders are embedded in historical and geographical interdependencies in a globalized context. These situations are embedded in dynamics within decoloniation,  and the Global Cold War, and stretch to contemporary social conflicts. I trace these dynamics with qualitative methodologies mainly relying on data from archives, and interviews, but I also embark on exploring mixed methods within digital humanities. 

Besides researching I am chairing the DVPW working group on "Gewaltordnungen" / "Orders of Violence" with Dr. Mariam Salehi and Dr. Regine Schwab. My work informs policy advice for ministries, Think Tanks and NGOs, political foundations and development agencies.