Margarida Soares

Assistant Professor of Finance, Nova SBE

Email: margarida.soares at

Official Nova website

I am an Assistant Professor of Finance at Nova School of Business and Economics since September 2019. My research interests lie in the intersection of Corporate Finance,  Labor Economics with an emphasis on gender decisions and outcomes, and Innovation. 

Finance Knowledge Center, Economics for Policy Knowledge Center

Working Papers

Are Women More Exposed To Firm Shocks? with Ramin Baghai and Rui Silva 

Abstract: Workers care deeply about job and pay stability. Given potentially differing risk attitudes, we investigate whether firm wage and employment insurance enjoyed by workers differs by gender. We find that women are less protected than men against idiosyncratic shocks to their employers---a gender gap in firm insurance. The elasticity of women's wages with respect to variations in firm's performance is 95% higher than that of men, and the sensitivity of dismissal to firm shocks is 37% higher for female than for male employees. These gender differences are larger for employees with children, in small firms, and in firms without female executives.

The Value of Trademarks with Pranav Desai, Ekaterina Gavrilova and Rui Silva

Journal of Financial Economics, Revise and Resubmit

Chicago Booth Review article

Abstract: We create a new measure of the value of an important, but previously understudied, intangible asset—trademarks. We quantify the stock market reaction to the publication of almost one million individual trademarks manually matched to firms. We find that trademarks are used ubiquitously and possess substantial value: the median trademark is worth $22.5 million. Firms that publish trademarks subsequently launch new products, increase sales, invest more in physical capital, hire more employees, increase production output, become more profitable, and increase their market share considerably. For identification, we exploit the quasi-random assignment of USPTO examining attorneys to trademarks.