Crane Prairie Reservoir hosts a number of waterfowl, including Sandhill cranes, Canada geese, bald eagles and osprey The adjacent forest is home to black-backed woodpecker, Williamson's sapsucker and mountain chickadee. Deer, squirrel, beaver and an occasional black bear also find habitat in the surrounding forest.

The center maintains a colony of more than 3,000 monkeys (macaques, mangabeys and squirrel monkeys) and 5,000 rodents (mice, rats and voles) for use in behavioral and biomedical research and breeding programs.

Mr Crain And The Squirrel

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So, after wrapping himself in his silk parachute, he began descending to the river below. The explosion and fire at the crash site had destroyed any supplies he might use, so Crane took stock of his only survival tools: two packs of matches, a Boy Scout knife, and his parachute that served as a sleeping bag. For nine days he huddled in an improvised campsite under a spruce tree where he dreamed of steak, mashed potatoes, and milkshakes and battled feelings of despair. The squirrels he tried to kill skipped away from his makeshift spear, bow and arrow and slingshot, and after nine days of living on nothing but water, he knew his strength would not last.

MENZEL crane motors are designed for the heaviest lifting operations.They are available not only with direct current motors or three-phase asynchronous motors, but also with squirrel cage motors and slip ring rotors in the case of three-phase motors.

TORQUE, LOCKED-ROTOR: The minimum torque which a squirrel-cage motor will develop at rest, for all angular positions of the rotor, with rated voltage applied at rated frequency. Not applicable to wound-rotor (slipring) motors.

TORQUE, MOTOR BREAKDOWN: The maximum torque which a squirrel-cage or wound-rotor (slip-ring) motor will develop with rated voltage applied at rated frequency, without an abrupt drop in speed.

TORQUE, MOTOR PULL-UP: The minimum torque developed by a squirrel-cage or wound-rotor (slipring) motor during the period of acceleration from rest to the speed at which breakdown torque occurs. For squirrel-cage motors with 8% or greater slip, the pull-up torque, the break down torque, and the starting torque are all equal and occur at zero speed.

The mind boggles- how about squirrel pots? Do you have zoning in your town for goats? Feed your dogs their kibble in bigger ones, OMG! Leave some pots in the woods and see what happens! Unknown species, maybe a fox , a fawn, or even a mountain lion- maybe (be still my heart) a Sasquatch! Meanwhile, I love the chicken pecked ones. Keep it going-

Army officer's dagger by the maker Eickhorn, based in Solingen. The blade remains in good condition with the well known squirrel trademark on the reverse. Crossguard in very good condition with still a lot of detail on the eagle. The dark orange grip is in good condition with only minor traces of wear. Pommel, ferrule and scabbard in very good condition, with a nice dark patina. The scabbard sits thightly on the blade.

Photomicrographs of coronal sections through the superior colliculus of the gray squirrel after staining with Nissl (A), cytochrome oxidize (CO; B), vesicular glutamate transporter-2 (VGluT2; C), and acetylcholinesterase (AChE; D). Seven layers can be distinguished from one another by using each of these stains. SZ, stratum zonale; SGS, stratum griseum superficiale; SO, stratum opticum; SGI, stratum griseum intermedium; SAI, stratum album intermedium; SGP, stratum griseum profundum; SAP, stratum album profundum. Note the presence of three possible layers within the SGI. Images were taken from two squirrels: Nissl, CO, VGluT2 are from the same squirrel; the AChE photomicrograph is from a second squirrel. Scale bar = 1 mm.

Photomicrographs of a coronal section of the pulvinar complex in gray squirrel stained for AChE. B is a higher magnification image of the boxed area in A. Note the difference in the direction of fibers between rostral lateral medial (RLm) and rostral lateral lateral (RLl). C is an image of a Nissl-stained section; D is an image of a cytochrome oxidase-stained section. Scale bars = 1 mm in A; 250 m in B; 0.5 mm in C,D.

Photomicrographs of coronal sections of the ventral lateral geniculate nucleus (LGNv) in gray squirrels stained for Nissl substance (A), cytochrome oxidase (CO; B), acetylcholinesterase (AChE; C), and vesicular glutamate transporter-2 (VGluT2; D). The dashed line indicates the border between the medial and lateral subdivisions of the LGNv as well as the border between the intergeniculate leaflet (IGL) and the LGNv. Images were taken from two squirrels. Scale bar = 1 mm.

Superior colliculus (SC) connections with visual thalamus in squirrel 04-15. A: The extent and estimated retinotopic position of the fluoro-ruby (FR) injection site on a reconstructed dorsal view of the SC. B: Coronal thalamus sections are arranged in caudal to rostral progression, with the most caudal section in the upper left and the most rostral section located in the lower right. Locations of labeled axon terminals are shown with dots, whereas the locations of retrogradely labeled cell bodies are represented with triangles. C: High-power photomicrograph of terminal label within the pulvinar complex. The magnified photograph corresponds to the box located in section 136 of B. D: High-power photomicrograph of terminal label within the pulvinar complex corresponding to the box located in section 128 of B. Scale bars = 1 mm in B; 0.5 mm in C,D.

Superior colliculus (SC) connections with visual thalamus in squirrel 09-02. A: Photomicrograph of fluoro-ruby (FR) injection site on the left and an image of the adjacent cytochrome oxidase (CO) section on the right. B: Dorsal view of the extent and estimated retinotopic location of the FR injection site. C: Coronal sections of thalamus with the locations of axon terminals (small black dots) and retrogradely labeled cell bodies (black triangles). Sections are arranged in a caudal (top left) to rostral (bottom right) direction. D,E,G are high-power images of axon terminal label within the pulvinar and ventral lateral geniculate nucleus. F shows labeled cell bodies and axon terminals within the caudal pulvinar from section 336 in B. D corresponds to the boxed area in section 331; E corresponds to the large boxed area in section 376; G corresponds to the smaller boxed area in section 376. Scale bars = 1 mm in A,C; 250 lm in D; 0.5 mm in E; 100 lm in F; 0.25 mm in G.

Superior colliculus (SC) connections with visual thalamus in squirrel 09-50. A: Dorsal view of the SC with the location and extent of choleratoxin subunit B (CTB; light gray) and fluoro-ruby (FR; dark gray) injection sites. B: Coronal sections of thalamus arranged in a caudal (top left) to rostral (bottom right) progression. The location of CTB-labeled axon terminals (dots) and CTB-labeled cells (squares), as well as FR labeled axon terminals (dots) and FR labeled cells (triangles) are presented for each section. C: Magnified photomicrograph of FR label in section 233 of B. D: High-power images of the FR injection site in coronal section. E: Photomicrograph of CTB injection site in coronal sections. Scale bars = 1 mm in B; 250 m in C; 0.5 mm in D,E.

Superior colliculus (SC) connections with the parabigeminal nucleus in squirrel 09-50. A: Coronal sections of the midbrain arranged in a caudal (top) to rostral (bottom) progession. B: Dorsal view of the SC with the location and extent of CTB (light gray) and FR (dark gray) injections sites. C: Magnified photomicrograph of CTB label in the contralateral parabigeminal nucleus in section 98. D: Magnified photomicrograph of CTB label in the ipsilateral parabigeminal nucleus in section 98. E: Magnified photomicrograph of FR label in the contralateral parabigeminal nucleus in section 103. F: Magnified photomicrograph of FR label in the ipsilateral parabigeminal nucleus in section 113. Scale bars = 1 mm in A; 0.25 mm in C,D,F; 0.1 mm in E.

Current proposal of gray squirrel pulvinar organization. A: Summary of connections between the superior colliculus and pulvinar complex as well as connections between the pulvinar complex and visual cortex in gray squirrels. A, 1970 is Abplanalp (1970); K et al., 1972b is Kaas et al. (1972b); R&H, 1977 is Robson and Hall (1977); W et al., 2008 is Wong et al. (2008). B: Topographic organization of RLl and RLm based on upper and lower field representations. C: Topographic organization within RLl based on central and peripheral visual field representations. D: Lateral view of the right hemisphere of a gray squirrel with occipital, and temporal visual areas highlighted in white (adapted from Wong and Kaas, 2008).

Possible pulvinar/lateral posterior complex organization schemes for gray squirrel (A), degu (B), hamster (C), and rat (D). Subdivisions of the pulvinar that receive SC projections are highlighted in gray. Asterisk symbols represent bilateral SC input. Information for A is based on descriptions from Robson and Hall (1977), Wong et al. (2008), and the current study. B is based on descriptions from Kuljis and Fernandez (1982). C is based on descriptions from Crain and Hall (1980) and Ling et al. (1997). The gray lined areas represent discrepancies between Crain and Hall (1980) and Ling et al. (1997) with respect to SC projections. D is based on descriptions of Takahashi (1985). be457b7860

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