
I am interested in teaching American politics (both behavior and institutions) , elections and public opinion, political communication, research design, and quantitative methods.

My teaching experience includes serving as a TA at both Vanderbilt and McGill Universities for undergraduate and graduate classes, as well as serving as an instructor for Vanderbilt's "Boot Camp'" for incoming PhD students. In Fall 2019 I will teach an undergraduate course on Media & Politics at Washington University.

The majority of my teaching experience has been in quantitative methods. I took the initiative in the second year of my PhD to create a "Computing Camp" for incoming graduate students to teach basic coding skills in R, Latex , and Stata. I have also instructed at the Vanderbilt Math Camp, and have been asked to TA for graduate-level statistics courses on three occasions.


Media and Politics Fall 2019 (Washington University)


Intro to Probability for Social Scientists (Prepared for 2017 Vanderbilt Math Camp)

Learning the Bootstrap (Prepared for one off seminar)

Sample Evaluations

  • Marc is a natural teacher who knows statistics tremendously well. He's passionate about the subject, and cares about his students. His weekly discussion section was an excellent supplement to Brenton's material. It wasn't a thoughtless review of whatever Brenton's notes were. These were often lectures he created himself, with example data and graphs. Sometimes the material mapped onto exactly what Brenton was teaching, and other times, he was attempting to fill in holes he noticed we were struggling with. If the material didn't map on exactly, he explained clearly why he thought it was important that we learned it. (PhD Stats II, Vanderbilt)
  • Marc was a fantastic TA - helpful, knowledgeable, well-prepared, and always willing to help. If I could, I would have him TA all future stats courses. (PhD Stats I, Vanderbilt)
  • Very funny, friendly, personable. Always answered questions in person or email accurately and quickly. Really helped me out on both midterm and paper. Great TA! (American Foreign Policy, McGill)
  • Marc was the best TA I've had at McGill. Truly fantastic. Answered every question and had a great knowledge base. (International Politics of Economic Relations, McGill)