Marcos Daniel Villagra
Computer Scientist
Research Engineer at Bagel
Lecturer at National University of Asuncion, UNA

Short bio:
I am a computer scientist working in research and engineering problems in cryptography and theoretical computer science.


Research interests:
I do research in structural computational complexity broadly, mostly, interactive proof systems, cryptography, quantum computation and algebraic complexity.

Research grants:

Date of Birth: August 24, 1981
Place of Residence: San Lorenzo, Paraguay
Place of Birth: Asunción, Paraguay
Education: PhD in Theoretical Computer Science (March 2013), MS in Computer Science (March 2011), BS in Informatics Engineering (June 2006) and Computer Science (December 2005)

Hobbies: Board games, Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks
Books I liked: The Lord of the Rings, And Then There Were None, The Name of the Rose, The Kingkiller Chronicle, A Song of Ice and Fire, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

Professional Associations: