
Collevecchio, A., Mimun, H.A., Quattropani, M., and Scarsini, M. (2024) Basins of attraction in two-player random ordinal potential games. arXiv

Scarsini, M. and Shmaya, E. (2024) Optimal queueing regimes. arXiv

Baudin, L., Scarsini, M., and Venel, X. (2023) Strategic behavior and no-regret learning in queueing systems. arXiv.

Koessler, F., Scarsini, M., and Tomala, T. (2023) Correlated equilibria in large anonymous Bayesian games. arXiv.

Cominetti, R., Scarsini, M., Schröder, M., and Stier-Moses, N. (2023) Ordinary and prophet planning under uncertainty in Bernoulli congestion games, arXiv.

Boursier, E., Perchet, V., and Scarsini, (2020) Speed of social learning from reviews in non-stationary environments. arXiv.

Quattropani, M. and Scarsini, M. (2020) Efficiency of equilibria in random binary games. arXiv.

Rivera, T. J., Scarsini, M., and Tomala, T. (2018) Efficiency of correlation in a bottleneck game. ECO/SCD-2018-1289 HEC Paris.

Vaccari, S., Scarsini, M., and Maglaras, C. (2016) Social learning in a competitive market with consumer reviews. SSRN.

Abdou, J., Pnevmatikos, N., and Scarsini, M. (2014) Uniformity and games decomposition. Documents de travail du Centre d’Economie de la Sorbonne.

Scarsini, M., Solan, E., and Vieille, N. (2010) Lowest unique bid auctions. ArXiv.