
A game about exploring your true self and learning to accept who you are. This game was a 2 week project for my Experimental Game Design under the theme of Spatial Storytelling. For this game I created animal noises such as mouse squeaks, meows and barks and I made songs for each of the levels we planned on having. As it was a 2 week project not every sound I worked on made it into the final game.

My Role:

I was in charge of Sound Design for the game. I created sound effects and composed the various themes heard throughout the game. 

Skills Used:

Some of my work in Cat and Dog:

cat mirror.wav

This is the cat mirror theme. The cat mirror is a chase sequence in our game where you have to run away from a black cat.

default music.wav

This is the room theme. The theme goes with the starting area in the game, which is a seemingly normal house

mouse mirror.wav

This is the mouse mirror theme. In this mirror you follow squeaks into the cat's cave and explore your past with it. Below is one of the mouse squeaks.
