Marco Giansoldati 

马克 · 詹苏达提 

I am Associate Professor in Economic Policy at the Department of Social and Political Sciences of the University of Trieste, and Visiting Lecturer at the Birmingham Business School of the University of Birmingham.

My research are in the areas of Economic Policy, International Economics, Financial Economics, and Applied Economics. Specifically, my research interests include the link between globalization and economic growth, firms' behaviour under imperfect capital markets, microeconomic and macroeconomic impacts on the willingness to vaccinate, and the economics of transportation.

I hold a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Birmingham (UK), a Ph.D. in Business Sciences, and a Laurea in Economics, Summa Cum Laude, from the University of Udine (Italy).

I am Associate Editor for the Scottish Journal of Political Economy and for the Journal of Climate Finance. I also serve in the Editorial Board of Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment.

I have accumulated an extensive amount of teaching experience at both undergraduate and graduate level in Political Economy, International Economics, Monetary Economics, Principles of Economics, and Microeconomics (click here for the full CV). Currrently I teach Macroeconomics at undergraduate level and International Economic Policy at graduate level.


Postal Address

Marco Giansoldati

Piazzale Europa, 1

Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali 

Università degli Studi di Trieste




Email Addresses

email (University of Trieste): mgiansoldati_at_units_dot_it

email (University of Birmingham): M_dot_Giansoldati_at_bham_dot_ac_dot_uk

A message for my Italian academic fellows: 

and a message for my fellow swimmers, wherever they are: s