Marco Bressan

Assistant Professor (RTD-B)
Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Learning Algorithms (LAILA)
Department of Computer Science, University of Milan
& Milan ELLIS Unit (
email: marco.bressan at
interests: graph/randomized/learning algorithms

Tesi Triennali / Magistrali

Cerco studenti interessati a svolgere tirocini/tesi, sia triennali che magistrali, sia teoriche che implementative. Gli argomenti disponibili sono soprattutto analisi di grandi grafi (ricerca, conteggio, campionamento di sottografi).


M.B., E. Esposito, M. Thiessen.  Efficient Algorithms for Learning Monophonic Halfspaces in Graphs.
COLT 2024 (to appear). Preprint at

M.B., N. Cesa-Bianchi, E. Esposito, Y. Mansour, S. Moran, M. Thiessen.  A Theory of Interpretable Approximations.
COLT 2024 (to appear).

M. B. and M. Sozio.  Fully-Dynamic Approximate Decision Trees With Worst-Case Update Time Guarantees.
ICML 2024 (to appear). Preprint at

M. B., L. A. Goldberg, K. Meeks, M. Roth.  Counting Subgraphs in Somewhere Dense Graphs.
SIAM Journal on Computing (in press).

M. B., N. Cesa-Bianchi, S. Lattanzi, A. Paudice.  Margin-Based Active Learning of Classifiers.
Journal of Machine Learning Research 25(127):1−45, 2024.

M. B., E. Peserico, L. Pretto.  Sublinear Algorithms for Local Graph-Centrality Estimation.
SIAM Journal on Computing 52(4). 2023.

M.B.  Efficient and near-optimal algorithms for sampling small connected subgraphs
ACM Transactions on Algorithms 19(3). 2023.

M. B., M. Lanzinger, M. Roth.  The Complexity of Pattern Counting in Directed Graphs, Parameterised by the Outdegree.
ACM STOC 2023.

M. B., G. Damay, M. Sozio.  Fully-Dynamic Decision Trees.
AAAI 2023 (oral)

M. B., L. A. Goldberg, K. Meeks, M. Roth.  Counting Subgraphs in Somewhere Dense Graphs.
ITCS 2023. 

M. B., N. Cesa-Bianchi, S. Lattanzi, A. Paudice, M. Thiessen.  Active Learning of Classifiers with Label and Seed Queries
NeurIPS 2022. PDF

M. B., N. Cesa-Bianchi, S. Lattanzi, A. Paudice.  On Margin-Based Cluster Recovery with Oracle Queries
NeurIPS 2021. Full paper

M. B. and M. Roth.  Exact and Approximate Pattern Counting in Degenerate Graphs: New Algorithms, Hardness Results, and Complexity Dichotomies
IEEE FOCS 2021. PDF (full version at

M. B., N. Cesa-Bianchi, S. Lattanzi, A. Paudice.  Exact Recovery of Clusters in Finite Metric Spaces Using Oracle Queries
COLT 2021. Full paper

M.B.  Efficient and near-optimal algorithms for sampling connected subgraphs
ACM STOC 2021. PDF (full version at

M. B., S. Leucci, A. Panconesi.  Faster motif counting via succinct color coding and adaptive sampling
ACM Trans. Knowl. Disc. Data. 2021.

M. B.  Faster subgraph counting in sparse graphs
Algorithmica (IPEC special issue). 2021.

M. B., N. Cesa-Bianchi, S. Lattanzi, A. Paudice.  Exact Recovery of Mangled Clusters with Same-Cluster Queries
NeurIPS 2020 (oral, acceptance rate 1%).  Full paper

M. B., E. Peserico, L. Pretto.  On approximating the stationary distribution of time-reversible Markov chains
Theory Comput. Syst. 64 (STACS special issue). 2020.  PDF

M. B., N. Cesa-Bianchi, A. Paudice, F. Vitale.  Correlation Clustering with Adaptive Similarity Queries
NeurIPS 2019. PDF

M. Agostini, M. B., S. Haddadan.  Mixing time bounds for graphlet random walks
Inf. Process. Lett., Aug 2019. DOI

M. B.  Faster subgraph counting in sparse graphs
IPEC 2019. DOI

M. B., S. Leucci, A. Panconesi.  Motivo: fast motif counting via succinct color coding and adaptive sampling
VLDB 2019. PDF

M. B., E. Peserico, L. Pretto.  Sublinear algorithms for local graph centrality estimation
IEEE FOCS 2018.  PDF and full version on ArXiv

M. B., E. Peserico, L. Pretto.  Brief Announcement: On Approximating PageRank Locally with Sublinear Query Complexity

M. B., F. Chierichetti, R. Kumar, S. Leucci, A. Panconesi.  Motif Counting Beyond Five Nodes
ACM Trans. Knowl. Disc. Data, 12 (4), July 2018.  PDF

M. B., E. Peserico, L. Pretto.  On Approximating the Stationary Distribution of Time-reversible Markov Chains
STACS 2018.  PDF

(See my DBLP entry for more)


Mar 2023: A Theory of Interpretable Approximations, University of Padova

Sep 2022: Cluster Recovery In R^m With Oracle Queries, ELLIS@Milan AI Workshop

Dec 2021: On Margin-Based Cluster Recovery with Oracle Queries, NeurIPS '21

Oct 2021: Google's Workshop on Scalable Algorithms for Semi-supervised and Unsupervised Learning Workshop (2 posters)

Sep 2021: Exact recovery of clusters in metric spaces: margins and convexities, ML research unit @ TU Wien

Aug 2021: Exact Recovery of Clusters in Finite Metric Spaces Using Oracle Queries, COLT '21

Jun 2021: Efficient and near-optimal algorithms for sampling connected subgraphs, ACM STOC '21

Feb 2021: Efficient and near-optimal algorithms for sampling connected subgraphs, Google Zurich

Dec 2020: Efficient and near-optimal algorithms for sampling connected subgraphs, ALGADIMAR National Project Meeting

Dec 2020: Exact recovery of mangled clusters with same-cluster queries, NeurIPS 2020 (oral)

Recent Professional Service

PC member of:  COLT 2023, ACM KDD 2023 (excellent reviewer), WWW 2023, ACM WSDM 2023, ACM KDD 2022, COLT 2022 (outstanding reviewer), WWW 2022, COLT 2021, WWW 2021, ...

Regularly reviewing for:  TKDD, TALG, JCSS, VLDBJ, SODA, ICALP, ICML, COLT, NeurIPS, WWW, ...


Programmazione 1, 2022/2023 and 2023/2024, BS in Computer Science

Fundamentals of Data Science and Laboratory (home page), 2019/2020, Master's Degree in Data Science

Algorithms, 2018/2019, Bachelor's Degree in Bioinformatics

Fundamentals of Data Science and Laboratory (home page), 2018/2019, Master's Degree in Data Science