Marcin Chwała 



PROMISE has been funded!

Probabilistic limit analysis for collapse reconstruction and stability assessment of lunar lava tubes (PROMISE) received funding from the National Science Center in the SONATA 19 program. This is fantastic information for everyone interested in lava caves on the Moon! This would not have been possible without the support of many people. At the initial stage, the comments and assistance from Marek Kawa and Yan Lavallee were invaluable. Special thanks to Anna Chwała, who meticulously reviewed the application at various stages and provided valuable insights. I am also grateful to Goro Komatsu for guiding me in this new field of planetary science. As the application neared completion, Justyna Abel's cost estimation support was crucial, and the comments and suggestions from Danko Jerez were outstanding. Special thanks to the members of Academia Iuvenum for inspiration and advice in writing grant applications. Thank you all! Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting topic!

You can read more on the project subject here [in Polish].


May's Enriching Experiences

May was a busy month, featuring presentations on lava tube stability, a two-day lecture on limit analysis in Pescara, a seminar in Padua for the lava tube research team, and an invited lecture in Opole for the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture. Each event was a significant and enriching experience!


55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC 2024).

It was a great pleasure to attend the conference and meet the planetary science community. Here you can find the presented poster and abstract


 Recent work on the stability of lunar lava tubes has received considerable media attention! 

Mare Tranquillitatis collapse pit by Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University) 

The last week has been a bit crazy for my quiet life as a scientist. Many local and national websites have written about my research on the stability of lunar lava tubes. I had to quickly learn how to perform on the radio 😊 I gave interviews at the invitation of Informacyjna Agencja Radiowa, Radio Wrocław, Radio 357, Radio Rodzina & Radio Plus, and Trójka Polskie Radio. Now I'm back to work and I hope to be able to share more results soon. 

You can read about the conducted research in the source Icarus paper, in a popular science article or listen on radio broadcasts [in Polish], Radio 357 in Partonautyka, Radio Rodzina or Radio Wrocław.

 Selected recent journal papers:

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