Marcella Astrid

Accidentally (?) learning Artificial Intelligence in Computer Vision until PhD

Love to explore anything new and interesting (so life won't be so boring)

I am working as a postdoctoral researcher in CVI2 laboratory in the University of Luxembourg starting from April 2023. 

I have graduated PhD under supervision of Prof. Seung-Ik Lee at CVML laboratory of University of Science and Technology (UST), South Korea on February 2023. My dissertation is about learning with limited data in deep computer vision (data is sooooo difficult to collect and label, bruh!), which includes Anomaly Detection, Augmentation,  Generative Networks, and Semi-Supervised Learning. 

I received my master of engineering degree from the same lab with my PhD program on August 2017. I was introduced to AI and Computer Vision during my master program (accidentally XD). During my master study, my research was neural network compression. 

I received my bachelor of engineering degree (in Indonesian: Sarjana Komputer/S.Kom.) from Multimedia Nusantara University, Indonesia in 2015. During the study, I often played with embedded system. I also did internship implementing an embedded system in Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI).

Currently I am also building a YouTube channel "Anak AI" in Indonesian language for Indonesian people learning about AI.

CV (1 page) | CV  (complete) | Google Scholar | ResearchGate | LinkedIn

Email: marcella.astrid (at) gmail (dot) com