Marcela Rodrigues Machado

Professor of Engineering Mechanics

Politechnika Bydgoska im. Jana i Jędrzeja Śniadeckich,  Faculty of Civil, 

Environmental Engineering , Bydgoszcz,Poland.

Universidade de Brasília,  Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica, 

Campus Universitário Darcy Ribeiro -Asa Norte, Brasília.


Welcome to my personal website. I specialise in dynamic and vibration systems, focusing on numerical and analytical aspects of frequency and time-dependent phenomena. My research revolves around constructing quantitative models to understand the dynamic behaviour of complex systems and structures.

My interests span computational, numerical, and experimental fields. I delve into structural health monitoring, vibration control, metamaterials, and dynamic systems. My expertise lies in wave propagation, signal processing, structural vibration, inverse problems, Bayesian inference, and stochastic methods, all applied to dynamic systems analyses. Furthermore, I specialize in structural health monitoring (SHM), metamaterials, and smart technologies for vibration control, guide waves, and machine learning applications.

My current focus is on utilizing smart and programmable metastructures for vibration control within structures and bioengineering. In the SHM domain, my team and I recently focused on machine learning and pattern recognition techniques to detect damage in systems, structures, and bolted joints using wave propagation and vibration-based methods. Additionally, my research encompasses system identification, inverse problems, stochastic methods, and uncertainty quantification in dynamic systems.

Recently, I've delved into Data Science, exploring inverse and physic-informed machine-learning techniques to uncover complex patterns within databases. This research holds extensive implications, particularly in structural health monitoring and digital dynamic systems.

Within my research group, we wield extensive expertise in state-of-the-art numerical, analytical, and data-driven techniques. Our proficiency spans deterministic and probabilistic analysis of dynamic systems, both direct and inverse. Our collaborative network extends across borders, linking experts from Brazil, the UK, France, Italy, Poland, Portugal, and India.

I'm excited to connect and collaborate with fellows in this multidisciplinary field.

Research Interest

Research Keywords

Structural health monitoring; Uncertainty quantification; Stochastic modelling; Dynamic analyses; Structural Vibration; Vibration Control; Smart Material; Wave propagation; Structural mechanics; Programmable metamaterial.