Marcela Alves

Olá !

I am a Software Engineer at the Modernizing Medical Microbiology research group at the University of Oxford. I have a master's degree in applications of complex systems in the analysis of pseudo-random sequences.

Besides coding and studying complex systems, I love to read about the history of science. I have to say that reading was the only escape I had while being a kid in the countryside of the poorest region of Brazil. Learning how to read presented me with a world that my parents could not even imagine. I grew up being inspired by the life of Isaac Newton, Marie Curie, Joseph von Fraunhofer, and many other great men and women that changed the history of humankind. At the time I was in college, I heard about Alan Turing and Ada Lovelace for the first time. Once again, I felt inspired to continue my journey into the academy honouring the people who dedicated their lives to serving others with what they had more valuable: their knowledge.

The result: I want to work where they worked, visited the places where they lived, and share their stories with as many people as I can reach.
