Hi and welcome to my digital home.
If you're interested in computer science, open access, and scholarly communication, you might find some interesting links. This webpage is used as my personal archive (whatever that means), but in case it provides helpful information to you I feel quite comfortable with that.
Professionally I'm a computer scientist with a research background in formal verification and satisfiability algorithms (Diploma at University Freiburg in 2000, PhD from University Freiburg in 2008). I had the unique opportunity to work at one of the most outstanding institutions in computer science research: Dagstuhl. At Dagstuhl, I took care of laying the foundations of the open access publishing services that Dagstuhl offers, especially with its LIPIcs series. After a very stimulating working period at the Centre for Security and Society (University Freiburg im Breisgau) where I was engaged in civil security topics that are related to digital technologies, I am now taking care of information security issues at the University Freiburg.
Twitter: @ccrraamm