In my installation, and -- by sound of it -- in yours as well, genymotion is not in the PATH itself and therefore will not be found using commands like type ... or which .... Instead, I would try running the following:

Because you said you are new to Linux, I will briefly summarize what that command is doing. Grep is going to run a RegEx match against the /usr/share/applications/genymobile-genymotion.desktop file using a Perl-compatible regular expression (PCRE) engine (-P), which will perform a case-insensitive search (-i) and return back only the contents which match the provided expression (-o). The pattern to search for is Exec=[^\r\n]+, with a \K tossed in after the equal-sign so that GREP will only print out the contents after that point. This pattern was chosen because a typical Desktop file will look like the following:

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Nothing worked for me. I saw in one post that genymotion 2.0.3 will work out of the box. And it did. The only change I made was:1. Uninstalled genymotion latest version and Vbox and restarted2. Installed the last 4.x.x version of vbox3. Installed genymotion 2.0.3 without installing vbox

On top of genymotion, install virtual box (i think you need to have virtual box before using genymotion) then when you run virtualbox application it will display your virtual android device, you can then set the different advanced setting directly on virtualbox application like so :

for future reference if anyone else has this problem:

installed virtualbox via pacman and genymotion from AUR; in genymotion you add a new image and it appears in virtualbox. you can start it via virtualbox but it wont start via genymotion:

make sure you've installed net-tools

make sure you can load these modules vboxdrv vboxnetadp vboxnetflt (load them at startup: echo 'vboxdrv vboxnetadp vboxnetflt' > /etc/modules-load.d/virtualbox.conf)

in virtualbox go to file -> preferences -> network -> host-only networks and remove any network listed there

try to start the machine via genymotion again, it worked for me

I think I got it right myself by trial n error.After connecting the remote genymotion device(API21),I found that there are several adb process in task manager for A SINGLE genymotion device.Then I manually stopped all "adb" process from windows task manager on remote machine (or adb kill-server command for all adb process,in my case there were more). Then using adb command I restarted and connected again the same remote device frm development machine. Somehow it is connected and shows ONLINE now and works as expected. I dont know why it happens to devices < API21. The other device >=API21 connects directly and shows online.The problem seems to be multiple adb process on remote machine for a single genymotion device of only API21.

I tried both solutions (included the accepted one) and it didn't work. Finally found a solution to this one. After much fiddling, I found out that genymotion only allows adb connection from one machine at the time. Doing a adb kill-server on the host imediatelly followed by an adb connect ip on the remote machine did the trick.

You need to install the genymotion plugin. In android studio File>Settings>Plugins>Browse Repo > install genymotion plugin. once installed a genymotion button should appear in android studio. hope that helps.

I use WhatsApp on Genymotion. Chatting in the WhatsApp via Genymotion is fine, except, I wish to enable the WhatsApp web too, so I could free myself from bringing up the genymotion window all the time, instead, could just have all in my host machine browser. 589ccfa754

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