February 1, 2022

Developing Equity and Inclusion at the Department Level

Hosted by Bridgewater State University

After improving one’s personal practice in teaching and advising, the next important place faculty and STEM administrators can influence equitable outcomes and inclusive excellence is within one’s department. Improving climate, choices about teaching modalities, program review and assessment, and significant review of tenure- and non-tenure-track faculty all happen at the department level where faculty work and have the largest impact. This meeting will highlight national, regional, institutional, and department-level efforts to achieve equity and inclusive excellence within departments.

This virtual meeting will open with a plenary presentation by Dr. Jesús Pando, Chair of the Physics and Astrophysics Department at DePaul University, who will talk about The American Physical Society's Inclusion, Diversity and Equity Alliance (APS-IDEA). Following the opening plenary, the program will consist of workshops and talks where practitioners share reforms to teaching and department practices leading to increased equity for all STEM learners.


*Click on session name for Zoom link, abstracts, and author information.*

8:45 – 9:00A Opening and Welcome

Thomas Kling, Professor of Physics, Bridgewater State University on behalf of the MA PKAL Regional Network

Kristen Porter-Utley, Dean of the College of Mathematics and Sciences, Bridgewater State University

9:00 – 10:15A Plenary: The American Physical Society's Inclusion, Diversity and Equity Alliance (APS-IDEA)

Jesús Pando, Chair of Physics and Astrophysics, DePaul University, Steering Committee, APS IDEA

10:15 – 10:30A Break

10:30 – 11:45A Concurrent Sessions

Panel 1: Incorporating EDI in Undergraduate Physics Curricula: From Exercises to Full Courses
Moderated by
Viva Horowitz, Hamilton College

Kristen Burson, Hamilton College
Allison Daubert, Bridgewater State University
Evan Halstead, Skidmore College
Janice Hudgings, Pomona College
Beth Parks, Colgate University

Workshop 2: The PULSE Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Rubric: A Resource for Departmental Self-Assessment
Monica Loryn Linden, Brown University

Judy Awong-Taylor, Georgia Gwinnett College
Loretta Brancaccio-Taras,
Kingsborough Community College

Parallel A: Examining & Reforming Departments and Practices

  1. How to Develop a Science Department IDEA Committee: A First-Semester Reflection

  2. Centering DEIR: Framing and Implementing Collaborative Research Experiences in the Chemistry Curriculum at Bridgewater State University

Parallel B: Making Broad Reforms

  1. An Instructional-Teams Project for supporting instructional reform

  2. Equity and Inclusion Practices of a Large Diverse Chemistry Discipline at a Young Public College

  3. Departmental Pathways to Antiracist Pedagogy

  4. Addressing departmental climate and culture as a gateway to reforming the curriculum of a teaching-focused department in a research-1 institution

11:45A – 12:30P Lunch Break
Listening Session for Non-Tenure Track Faculty by invitation
Dr C.E. Washington, C2EW Leadership Consulting

12:30 – 1:45P Concurrent Sessions

Workshop 3: Engaging Faculty with Student Data and Reflective Practices to Promote Inclusive Excellence in STEM
Jill Sible, Virginia Tech

Erica Echols, University of Tennessee Knoxville

Hao Wang, Virginia Tech

Workshop 4: A Call to Action! Strategies for STEM Department Chairs in Creating Equity-Minded Faculty Workloads

Gypsy Denzine, Virginia Commonwealth University

Parallel C: Reforms at Course and Department Level

  1. Scaffolding Student Communication Skills with Electronic Laboratory Notebooks Across the Chemistry Curriculum

  2. Backward-designing General Education STEM Courses to Empower Engaged Citizens

  3. Inclusive advising initiatives to support biology majors' holistic career preparation and personal growth

  4. Integrating STEM & Social Justice: Addressing the Social Justice Dynamics of Chemistry to Facilitate DEI Initiatives in the Classroom

  5. Mentored Academic Service-Learning Applied to Gateway Physics Courses Promoting Community, a Diverse, Safe Learning Environment, and Engagement

Parallel D: Transforming Department Cultures

  1. Embedded: How teaching professors can be agents of change in revolutionizing STEM teaching at research universities

  2. Building a critical mass: Leveraging a faculty learning community to address microaggressions

  3. Building a More Inclusive Classroom in Gateway STEM Courses & Effecting Change at the Department Level through an Instructor Community of Practice

1:45 – 2:00P Break

2:00 – 3:15P Concurrent Sessions

Workshop 5: Addressing the Metacognitive Equity Gap at the Departmental Level: Research Shows Us How
Saundra Yancy McGuire, Louisiana State University

Parallel E: Transforming Institutions

  1. Entering Mentoring: Inclusive Faculty To Student Mentoring

  2. Building a Culture of Research and Support in STEM at an HBCU

  3. Complexities of change: Lessons from an institution’s efforts to transform STEM teaching

Parallel F: Listening to Student Voices

  1. Leveraging student-faculty partnerships to implement a DEI major requirement in a chemistry department

  2. Stories of Inclusion: One Physics Department’s Process to Collect and Learn from Stories

  3. Talented Hispanic & Black NSU Computing Student Sounding Board

  4. Partnering with students to promote equity and inclusion at the department level

Parallel G: Reforms in Mathematics and Data Science

  1. BEAR Exam: Toward a (More) Equitable Math Placement Test

  2. Teaching Data Science to Early College High School Students: A Head Start for STEM Equity in Massachusetts

  3. How Covid-19 taught us to reform our teaching of mathematics to promote equity and inclusion

  4. Governors State University Serving the Underserved and Promoting Student Success through a Statistics Lab

3:153:30P Break

3:304:45P Concurrent Sessions

Workshop 6: Exploring How STEM Faculty Conceptions of Equity Inform Their Practices
Tatiane Russo-Tait, University of Texas at Austin

Gareth Gingell, Dell Medical School at the University of Texas at Austin

Workshop 7: Implementing an Equity Audit
Kimberly LeChasseur, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Kris Wobbe, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Parallel H: Studying and Addressing Climate and Culture

  1. Re-engineering, Re-imaging and Redesigning Campus Culture and Climate to Support Undergraduate Black Women in STEM Education

  2. Embracing Diversity in the Workplace

Parallel I: Approaches for Equity Minded Reform

  1. Transforming Annual Reviews to Catalyze Equity and Innovation

  2. Departmental-level equity reform through a virtual support community of departmental teams: Introducing the FOLC-E

  3. Trying to move too fast: A department that chose to prioritize internal equity before rushing to action

***Following the conclusion of the meeting, you will receive an email from AAC&U about an evaluation. Please fill it out to provide feedback about your experience!***