Madrid Political Economy Workshop


Location: CUNEF (directions from SOL train station)

Room: Salon de Actos

Time: Saturday October, 20th, 9:00 to 17:30

Contact the organizers for more information:

Agustín Casas & Antoni De Moragas

Patricia Funk (Universita della Svizzera Italiana)

"Polls, the Press, and Political Participation" (9:30am)

Hulya Eraslan

(Rice University)

"Dynamics of Environmental Policy" (2pm)


9:30 Keynote I

10:30 Cofee break

11:00 Hannes Mueller (IAE Barcelona): Tourism and Terrorism: The Impact of News Reporting" (with T.Besley and T.Fetzer)

11:40 Discussed by Andreas Stegmann (CEMFI)

12:00 Irma Clots-Figueras (UC3M): "Institutions and Pro-Social Behavior" (w/A.Cabrales,P.Kujan,R.Hernan)

12:40 Discussed by Andreu Arenas (IPEG - UPF)

LUNCH (13:00-14:00)

14:00 Keynote II

15:00 Coffee break

15:30 Agustin Casas (CUNEF): Technological changes, campaign spending and polarization (w/P.Balart and O.Troumpounis)

16: 10 Discussed by Philip Denter (UC3M)

16:30 Antoine Loeper (UC3M): "Insitutions and the trade-off between policy stabitiliy and responsiveness" (w/W.Dziuda)

17:10 Discussed by Antoni Moragas (CUNEF)

Informal drinks


Alesia Slocum - CUNEF

Marcello Sartarelli - ALICANTE


Joaquin Artés - COMPLUTENSE

Amuitz Garmendia - UC3M

Jaime Millán-Quijano - UC3M

Marcos Yamada Nakaguma - FGV-SAO PAULO

Boris Ginzburg - UC3M

Hannes Mueller - IAE-CSIC

Andreas Stegmann - CEMFI

Irma Clots - UC3M

Andreu Arenas - IPEG-UPF

Antoine Loeper - UC3M

Philip Denter - UC3M

Giorgio Zanarone - CUNEF


  • Coffee breaks: 10:30am and 3:30pm
  • Dinner: 20:00 (for presenters and dicussants)
  • A taxi from/to Sol: 10euros approx.

Presentation: 40 minutes // Discussion: 10 minutes // Open floor: 10 minutes