Inaugural Conference

Oct. 21 & 22, 2021

The Logic Association of Malaysia held its inaugural conference on October 21 & 22, 2021, in conjunction with its establishment. Venue: Zoom

Schedule of the conference was as shown below. Recordings of the talks, where available, can be accessed via the association's YouTube channel. Click here for the playlist.


  1. Alex Wilkie, University of Oxford

Title: Some remarks on the model theory of analytic functions

  1. Athipat Thamrongthanyalak, Chulalongkorn University

Title: Tame solutions of linear functional equations

  1. Ali Sadegh Daghighi, Institute for Interdisciplinary Research in Fundamental Sciences, Iran

Title: The Multiverse View in Foundation of Mathematics

  1. Johanna Franklin, Hofstra University

Title: Algorithmic randomness and connections to analysis

  1. John Harding, New Mexico State University

Title: Convolution Algebras

  1. Su Gao, Nankai University

Title: The Herwig-Lascar Property of Groups

  1. VerĂ³nica Becher, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Title: Turing's Normal Numbers

  1. Yang Yue, National University of Singapore

Title: Some Results on Ramsey's Theorem for Trees