Manimugdha Saikia (he/him)

I recently completed my PhD in Mathematics at the University of Western Ontario (UWO) under the supervision of Prof Tatyana Barron. My PhD thesis is titled "Analytic Properties of Quantum States on Manifolds." 

During my PhD studies, I have investigated various quantum information-theoretic aspects of quantum Hilbert spaces arising from complex manifolds. I am particularly passionate about quantum information theory and quantum computing, with a focus on quantum circuit synthesis, quantum algorithms, error-correcting codes and quantum cryptography. Additionally, I am working on partial solutions to the problem of distillability of NPT quantum states. 

Previously, I completed an MSc in Mathematics (2019-2020) at the University of Western Ontario, an MSc in Mathematics and Computing (2017-2019) at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati and a BSc with a major in Mathematics (2014-2017) at Tezpur University.

I am currently looking for a position where I can expand my expertise and contribute to the   advancements of these dynamic fields.


4. A.R. Kalra, M. Saikia, D. Valluri, S. Winnick and J. Yard, Multi-qutrit exact synthesis [arXiv ]

3. M. Saikia, Restrictions of holomorphic sections to products [arXiv], submitted for publication

2. T. Barron and M. Saikia, Semiclassical asymptotics and entropy [arXiv][Journal],  J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2667 (2023) 012050. DOI:

1. T. Barron and M. Saikia, Average entropy and asymptotics [arXiv][Journal], J. Korean Math. Soc. 61 (2024), No. 1, pp. 91–107. DOI:

Upcoming and past talks

Project Supervision

Teaching Assistant (at UWO)


Some other platforms where you can find me: Google Scholar   LinkedIn   GitHub